Types of Gamers | Teen Ink

Types of Gamers

January 20, 2016
By SamuraiMonkey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
SamuraiMonkey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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In this day and age gaming has become a staple in the culture of today’s teenagers. Games from the Call of Duty franchise, the Grand Theft Auto Franchise and The Madden Franchise have shaped this generation. They have formed and greatly affected the very livelihood, and the aspects of said livelihood, of the millennials. Gaming has created such an impact that it has formed and enhanced new types of personalities and characters in this generation. Thanks to gaming new doors and options of sociability have been opened for the otherwise unsociable and have granted them new ways to interact with others through new found behaviors. Within a single evening of gaming one will without doubt run into different people that he/she will be able to categorize.

The 12 Year Old
Everywhere even in the world of gaming is one individual that thinks they are the best at everything then the individual starts crying and whining and complaining when they realize their skill doesn’t compare to those of true gamers. This character is the 12 year old. The 12 year old is one who shows off, who boasts, who brags. He can’t help but show off for the achievement as insignificant and pointless as the wings on an emu. And when he has been beaten blames his loss on various things other than his own skills. Excuses like slippery hands, sticky keys, or the popular excuse, “It was the lag!!!”  He is also the one who decides to scream and yell inappropriate things about you, your mother and everyone you know despite knowing absolutely nothing about what he is talking about. In summation he in real life is that annoying loud kid that won’t stop talking and when you tell him to stop he would mock you and then run away crying.

The Physical Gamer
Now this isn’t the Wii player oh no. This is the throw the pillow across the room kid because “This game is totally rigged. I hate it I’ll never play this dumb game again” kid. This guy is fun to play with when he is calm all he will do is walk around, stand while he is playing or even lean on the couch thinking it will somehow affect his car’s movements in the game. But it becomes a whole new game when he is wronged. Once misfortune comes his way he shall become engulfed in rage and a floor covered in couch cushions, drinks, batteries and controller parts will follow. His actions during gaming reflect the person his in the real world. This individual is who would repeatedly attend anger management but never truly change. He can’t help but throw whatever is within his immediate vicinity. But when push comes to shove, literally, he might even start throwing some punches especially if Madden is involved. Being a football player I have been to tons of friends’ houses where Madden tournaments have run the evening and if you beat or even score on the wrong guy you’ll regret it.  

The Banshee 
This is the most annoying of the characters even compared to the 12 year old. Named after the terrible creature of myth whose scream signifies someone’s death; this players constant screeching will bring the demise to any fun time.  Anyone who has not experienced the banshee is lucky for they are the worst to play with or even be around. The banshee will yell and scream. Gamers that yell and scream are banshees. In pleasure or pain the banshee screams. It is part of who they are and there are banshees in every aspect of our society; from sports to politics there is a banshee somewhere. The person who thinks yelling their opinion louder makes them more right is the real world banshee. In gaming the banshee is the kid who gets muted or gets kicked from the games/ parties. He is the kid who no matter what happens yells. He could be bet a thousand dollars that he could not go a single game without raising his voice a little bit and would get so thrilled about the bet he shouts.

The Fanboy
This character is the most dedicated of my list. This character will defend the honor of whatever game, console or in-game character to their death.  To disrespect or even whisper a negative word towards this characters obsession is the worst thing a person could do. He or she will be met with an abundance of facts of why this is better than that or this game is the game of the year or even “Game Informer” said this. The fanboy will do whatever it takes to either prove this person wrong or prove them self right so that in the end their obsession is still the best around or at least better than yours. The greatest example of this is the Xbox vs Play Station fan boys. This debate has gone on since the beginning of the 21st century and prior to that existed the Sega vs Nintendo. God forbid anybody is stuck in a room with these two characters because they will fight it out either physically or intellectually with each other until the end of time and this is not the best way to spend an afternoon.

Our world and society will forever be changed with the introduction of gaming. Its mass effect on our generation will be present until the next great thing comes along. Like comics, music, and movies their changes will be noticed in the personalities of the people who have interacted with these forms of media in their own respected way. The gamers and their personalities are as contrasting as night and day but are connected in the social fabric of our society. 

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