Parisian Women | Teen Ink

Parisian Women

March 20, 2016
By Michellestensby BRONZE, Coral Gables, Florida
Michellestensby BRONZE, Coral Gables, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There’s something about Parisian girls that sets them apart from any type of woman out there. They’re effortlessly cool. They do everything with effortlessness and look good doing it. They wear clothes with messy chicness and always look like they are planning something fun without you. Parisian girls are so different from girls you find else where and I’m completely fascinated. There’s an aura to them that makes them seem confident with every step they take. I want to embody them; I want to walk like I know where I’m going even when somedays I don’t.

One thing I noticed about some Parisian women is the power they possess when leading a conversation with a partner, a friend, etc. They will ask you to repeat yourself even if they hear what you said. They always sound questionable with their partners and a little pissed with their friends and God, do they know how to stir conversation. If you don’t keep up with what they’re saying don’t ask to repeat, they simply won’t. These girls sometimes try to look like they rather be somewhere else and when a question is asked they let that question marinate. These girls just ooze power and control and femininity and that’s what I love about them. They wear sunglasses indoors, they might order the most expensive wines on the menu on a date, and they embody sophistication to its full extent. I mean look at icons like Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Jane Birkin, or Lea Seydoux. They ride Vespas, weaving through the busy streets of Paris,  and look better than any man doing it. They might cut your car off to make the green light and smile back at you once they’ve done it. They know how to be charming even when their actions might not be. Parisian girls are the epitome of cool and chic. There is no woman like her. But, then again… women are different everywhere you go. 

The author's comments:

I got inspired while people watching at the café in Paris this past summer

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