Trip to St.Louis | Teen Ink

Trip to St.Louis

May 6, 2016
By HunterM21 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
HunterM21 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is my story of my trip to St.Louis. I did a lot of things I never thought I would. If you want to know what I did on my trip then please read this story. Hope you enjoy it.

One day my mom walks in and said she planned a trip to St.Louis. So I automatically looked St.Louis up and found out it looked really cool and fun. This was also the first time I will ever fly. I am scared of heights and I was kind of nervous for my first flight. So the trip was in a couple months away.

So fast forwarding to the day of the flight. I woke up so excited for my first flight. I got all my stuff ready and we were on our way! When we got to the airport I was kind of nervous. We had breakfast at a place that I have never heard of before and it was really good. Our flight was at 9:30 and in St.Louis the time is an hour before ours so when we got there it was still 9:30! The flight ended up to be really fun and I got to sit by the window so I saw everything!

When we got there we got our rental car that was a Jeep Patriot. We drove to our hotel, checked in, put our stuff in the room and then left. Our first stop was the Zoo. It was a free zoo and it was just like ours but it didn't have a waterpark. There was only a coupe animals that they had that we don't at our zoo.

Next we got to go to the science museum. The museum was like COSI. It was pretty cool and they had lots of things to try. My favorite thing was the mind game where you put on a special head band and vs someone which was my dad and you had to focus and make the ball move to the other side and the person that you vs was trying to do the same thing so I beat my dad.

After the science museum we went to a pizza place (I can't remember the name) but it was the best pizza I have ever had. It had bacon and sausage on it, it was so good! We couldn't finish it and we couldn't box it up because we weren't going back to the hotel yet.

After lunch we went to the history museum and there was lots of neat things there. There were these giant doors made out of brass and they were really hard to close because they were so heavy. My favorite part of it was this map of the land the museum is now on but a long time ago and it was really neat and the guy there told us all about it and he was really nice.

After that we just drove around and enjoied the city. We drove around for a couple of hours then we were hungry again. We went to a barbecue place and it was really good! I got a half rack of ribs and a fried corn cob and sweet potato fries. It was the best food i've ever had. I wish I could go back and eat the food again because it was the best.

We went back to the hotel and then we got bored so we decided to go to the mall down the road from the hotel. We decided to go in a shoe store and I found my favorite shoes ever and my mom bought them for me and it was a good way to top of an already awesome day. When we got back to the hotel my dad and I went swimming in the hotel pool.

The next day we went to the capitol building and it was really cool. We were walking around and we went through the rooms. Then in the last room was tickets for the Arch. My mom didn't want to but my dad and I did so I talked her into it. It was a elevator all the way up to the top 630ft up.

I hate elevators but I was determined to do it. On the way up it had to rock sideway because the Arch is curved. My dad would mess with me when it would rock. I was white knuckled holding on to the seats all the way up and laughing so hard my stomach hurt and I thought I was going to pass out.

That night we went out and drove around some. My hair was to long and I saw a Great Clips so we went there. The lady there was nice but she should never cut people's hair! I had lines going side to side all the way up my head. When we got home I had to get it cut again!

The next day before our flight at 11:30 we got to go to The Bass Pro Shop. It was really cool because I love fishing and it was a store all about fishing. The coolest thing in the store was a big fish tank that had bass and other fish in it and it was really neat because you could see how the fish is in its natural habitat. We bought a vase that light up with deer and cardinals on it and it is really cool.

We went and returned the car and rode the bus to the airport and we hoped of the bus and went in the airport. When we went through the scanner in my bag I had a fake cannon we bought at the history museum. The scanner detected it so they had to check it! They found out it was just the cannon so we moved on.


On the way home I thought about the things I liked most. I love the food because it was the best food i've ever had. Also I loved going in the Arch because it was cool being so high up and i'm surprised I did it because i'm scared of heights and hate elevators. If I could I would go back right now and do it all again.

The author's comments:

Had to write for my english class.

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