Importance of Traveling | Teen Ink

Importance of Traveling

April 17, 2017
By Anonymous

What is the importance of travel in our lives?  Traveling can initiate a plethora of fascinating experiences that wouldn't occur in most people's daily lives.  There are a myriad of opportunities that arise from exploring the world.  When we do, we can
learn so much about ourselves and about others.  Traveling has a positive impact on people, their health, their happiness, and their perspectives.

Traveling is such an important aspect of life, but people get engrossed in work, school, responsibilities, etc. that it often gets overlooked.  However, it is essential for people to travel because it's the perfect way to escape our daily routines.  By breaking free from the norm, we expand our perspectives, see things in a new light, and our overall outlook on life is rejuvenated.  It opens our eyes to so much beauty, but also to so much struggle in destitute areas of the world.  We are capable of seeing the beauty in new places and new faces.  However, we get caught up in our lives that we disregard the 925 million people who are starving and the 100 million people who are homeless in our world.  People too often take what they have for granted, yet when they travel, they broaden their perspectives and appreciate their lives more.

Traveling is the most valuable form of learning, thus positively influencing people in many ways.   It opens the eyes of explorers to the diversity around them.  Traveling also helps us absorb information about other cultures, foods, music, languages, people, histories, and climates;  this extends our knowledge of the world and the importance of variety.  By doing so, we realize that there is not one way to live, nor is one way correct.  We learn to accept other people and their different lifestyles.  Learning is one of the many advantages that derive from traveling.

Traveling can have a direct impact on people's mental, social, and physical health which affects them in countless ways.  Scientific research has proven that traveling will increase people's happiness, decrease their stress and anxiety, and boosts their brain health.  These improvements don't just disappear the moment travelers return to their daily lives, it lasts for weeks afterwards.  Also, studies have shown that people who spend money on traveling rather than on materials items are happier, more outgoing, and more creative.   As a result of travel, people change the way they interact with others and they are more accepting.   They also learn to be more patient with others.  Last, people who travel tend to have a longer life expectancy and tend to be healthier.   Experiencing new places and people can have advantageous impacts on our overall health. 

In conclusion, traveling has substantial importance in our lives.  However, we must open our minds to the possibilities that emerge when we explore.  We can escape our daily lives, learn about others and ourselves, and improve our lives.  Many of the benefits people acquire from traveling enhanced the quality of their overall well-being.   It is significant for people to visit different places, encounter new people and see the ways in which they live in order to fully appreciate our world and the diversity in it.

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