The Danger game | Teen Ink

The Danger game

May 2, 2012
By Santpatreks, cnjdawegnjolv, Other
Santpatreks, Cnjdawegnjolv, Other
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody's Perfect That's Why Pencils Have erasers" ~ Chinese Proverb
"Don't tell Me Shy's The Limit When there's Footprints on the moon" ~ unknown


Jane is a 12 year old girl who gets a BIG secret when she’s thrust into the fast and dangerous world of the FBI. Her life was complicated even before she was in the FBI with being a millionaire, her dad trying to kill her, her running and being caught by the notorious FBI agent Derek Morgan, she tries to put all this behind her and start a new life with the FBI but will all her hard work go to waste when her job as a undercover agent brings her back to her old neighbour hood then having to pose undercover as her old best friends new friend What will happen when she plays the game of danger. What will fate have in store for her?

Taylor M.

The Danger game

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