Chinese Strokes | Teen Ink

Chinese Strokes

January 30, 2019
By amandacvs15, Yonkers, New York
amandacvs15, Yonkers, New York
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"... don't be boring." - Paris Hilton
(also, because I'm a rebel)
"Those who choose the beginning of the path, chooses where it leads to." - The Beautiful Creatures Series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl


Being a teenager is tough, but being a teenager in modern China is tougher. After all - the nationwide, nine-hour-long college admissions test can only be taken once a year, and it's the sole factor in deciding what college you get into. Mei-Mei Huang, being an only child, has to figure out how to make her poor, working-class parents proud of her, which means keeping quiet about the things she wants. For Mei-Mei, that equals taking a bus at the grimy crack of dawn and booking herself into a college-exam prep boarding school. People say that that teenage drama is bad, but teenage obedience might just be something worse.

Amanda C.

Chinese Strokes

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