Vector the Velociraptor | Teen Ink

Vector the Velociraptor

June 7, 2019
By Anonymous

During the Cretaceous period, in a sand dune of modern Asia, there was an egg. This egg was alone under the full moon. The egg started to wiggle, and then it cracked. Out came a little velociraptor. He started to waddle towards the watering hole. At the watering hole, he met a triceratops. This triceratops was really huge, but really old. He had gotten too slow to keep up with his herd, and he now just stays at the watering hole. The little Velociraptor said “Hi, what's your name?” The triceratops replied “My name is Tyler. What’s yours?” The Velociraptor said “I haven’t met my parents, but I want to be known as Vector the Velociraptor. “Vector, you need to find your family, Velociraptors can’t survive by themselves.You need to go find your family.” Tyler stated. Vector replied “Your right, Tyler. Thank You! I want to go find my family. Do you know where they went?” Tyler responded “I saw them running towards the Mountain of Caves when they heard Rexy roar. I would hurry, but remember to be safe.”

Vector started their trek across the desert. Now that the sun was up, he could see he was a tannish yellow with black streaks across his body. Suddenly, he had a feeling that he had never felt before. Hunger. He naturally turned his head back and thought of Tyler. “NO! I AM NOT GOING TO EAT MY FRIEND!” he thought. If huge Tyler could survive on plants, why couldn’t he. Then he saw a huge fern. Vector started his feast, he accidently ate a bug, and decided they tasted better than plants, and decided he was okay eating bugs. He continued his trek across the desert and he finally reached the Mountain of Caves. Finally, he arrived at the base of the mountain. He saw these things that looked like they were swimming through the air. He shouted “Hi, I am Vector, what’s your name?” Then three of them started diving towards him. They screeched “ We are the Pteranodons. We are Pete, Peter, and Petey! Get out of our mountains!” Vector never had ran before, but he caught on pretty fast. He dashed between boulder to boulder. He had some pretty close calls. Petey was about three beetles away from nipping his tail. Vector saw saw the mouth of a cave, and knew he had to get in there. He looked the other way and yelled “Watch out!” The pteranodons looked the other way, and Vector dove into a cave.

The cave was really dark and a little bit scary, but he wanted to explore it. He ventured deeper into one of the tunnels when he heard voices. “First Rexy, and now the P’s? We need to find a new home.” Another voice spoke up, “Why did I have to leave my egg? I hope he is okay. We all know Velociraptors can’t survive on their own.” “Vera, I am so sorry, but I think your egg will never leave the desert.” Vector then ran in and yelled “Mommy, I found you, I am alive!”. The large group of raptors all had a huge group hug. Vector’s mom said “When Rexy the T-Rex came, we all panicked and ran. I thought your father grabbed your egg, but Rexy must have got him.” Then the biggest and oldest looking velociraptor named Verl, announced  “If we had more raptors, we could overpower Rexy, but we are a small pack. We need to find a new home.” A raptor with scars all over him known as Vincent acerbically mentioned “And WHERE do you think we could go?” Verl replied “There is an old legend of a jungle where no T-Rex can go. We have one clue. We must head where the sun sets, until we reach a mountain of fire, where we will find a place, where our foes would never go. And then and only then, raptors will never have to jump from the jaws of the T-Rex again.”

The cave was silent, Vector could hear the quiet dripping water off of the stalactite. Then out of the silence, Vincent said “I am in, but if someone doesn’t want in, they can say it now.” No one spoke. “Well then, lets go!” yelled a velociraptor a little bit bigger than Vector. Vector then spoke up “We need a plan, because Pete, Petey, and Peter are still out their!” They all huddled up, and started to whisper.

Meanwhile, in the desert of Vector’s birth, there was a stomping and a loud, deep, and fear bringing growl. A blood red T-Rex burst out of the trees. He saw the cracked egg, and gave a roar of fury. “I LEFT THAT EGG FOR A REASON, I NEED BAIT TO BRING THE RAPTORS TO ME!” Then realizing shouting his plan probably wasn’t the best idea, he shut his jaw. Then, he saw some little tiny tracks in the sand. Normally, tracks would blow away in the wind, but this time of year was really dry and still, which made it easier to track prey. In fact, now that Rexy was thinking of prey, he saw an old weak triceratops waddling on the shores of a little watering hole. Rexy started to sprint towards him with his teeth gleaming. Just as Rexy was getting within biting distance, he got stuck in some sand-like substance. The old triceratops started to laugh, “Quicksand; the oldest trick in the book. That should buy me some time to warn Vector that we Rexy is coming for him.”

Pete, Petey, and Peter perched out by the cave hole. They were waiting for the raptors to come on out, but they were hungry. Then they heard “Aaahhh! We are stuck, I hope the P’s don’t come in and get us!” The P’s were not that smart, and they instantly swooped in hoping to eat the raptors. The cave was full of tunnel and turns, and they got lost very quickly. They shouted to one another “Where are they? I can’t find them!”. Then they realized their voices were echoing all over the place and they heard their own shouts. They all got confused really quickly. Petey, the smartest of the P’s, realized the raptors could’ve shouted for help anywhere, and from the P’s location it would sound close by. The problem was, they were lost in the caves, and the raptors would get away. The raptors were already miles away when the caves started to fill with the P’s screeches of fury.

Meanwhile, the raptor pack was travelling to where the sun sets, which was a huge plain of dry long grass. Vector had some bonding time with his pack, and he learned about how the pack worked. The alpha, the old, nice, but strong Verl, was in charge of the pack. He made sure there was enough food for everyone and he organized the formations while they traveled. Most of the pack would take a slow run, with the young, weak, and old in the middle of the group. About a mile or two ahead, their were always two raptors scouting ahead for danger. Also, there were two raptors a mile or two behind the main group to make sure they weren’t being followed. Last, but not least, there were three raptors that were supposed to check the sides, and stay in motion so that all of the groups could communicate with each other. After a few days of heading where the sun sets, the velociraptors were tired. The good news was they had finally arrived at the base of the mountain of fire. Verlt called for camp, and said he wasn’t sure what we had to do now that we had arrived. So, they decided that they might as well sleep.

In the dead of night, the raptor on watch (Vincent) woke everybody up shouting he smelled something dangerous in the wind. No one took him seriously because his nose was all scarred up. They all went back to bed. Suddenly they woke up with a giant shadow by them and  “ROAR! I FINALLY FOUND YOU! YOU CAN NOT GET AWAY NOW!” They all scattered. Vector yelled “We have to get to the mountain of fire!” That got Rexy’s attention. “YOU!” he bellowed. Rexy started to stomp his way towards Vector. “Until we reach a mountain of fire, where we will find a place, where our foes would never go.” Vector thought. Vector started to run up to the top of the mountain of fire. The rest of the velociraptors realized where he was running and they all started to run besides him. The velociraptors were faster than Rexy, but they were smaller so they had to run around boulders. Rexy just stomped on the boulders and broke them. They all got to the top of the mountain of fire. Rexy was right behind them roaring and snapping his teeth. “And then and only then, raptors will never have to jump from the jaws of the T-Rex again.” He thought “JUMP, that is what I need to do!¨ Then, with the jaws of Rexy a grain of sand away from his tail, he jumped into the mouth of the mountain of fire.

He fell, and fell, and fell, and fell some more. He was starting to think he would never reach the bottom. It was getting hotter. He saw lava, but it was only dripping on the sides of the mountain. “Wait, there isn’t a lava pool, just some lava dripping from the edges of the circular dome of the hole.”Just as the heat was becoming unbearable, it started to cool down. He landed on a hill of soft sand that was steep but gradually leveled out. His fall eventually slowed down to a stop at the bottom of the sand dune. He heard the screams of his fellow pack mates as they fell too. They all landed safely. Then, they all started to look around. A jungle full of green leaves, bugs, and some tasty lizards. There was a sparkling waterfall that turned into a river full of something he had only heard of in stories. “Fish!” Vector yelled. He jumped in and started his feast. Then, they all heard a roar that made their hearts stop. “DANG IT! I WANTED TO EAT THOSE TASTY VELOCIRAPTORS!” The roar was distant, but still terrifying. “LUCKY FOR THEM, THEY GOT EATEN BY THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE INSTEAD OF ME!” They heard a thud, and they turned to see a triceratops lying in the sand. “Tyler!” Vector exclaimed. The whole pack knew that Tyler had helped Vector find his pack, and they gave him a hug. Tyler exclaimed “I saw you guys jump in, and there's a similar legend for triceratops. I snuck on the other side of the volcano and jumped in before Rexy could see me. “Well, I guess that means we are safe from Rexy, if he won’t come in here. Plus, there are lots of lizards and fish, which would taste a lot better than Triceratops” Verl said. Tyler awkwardly scooted away a little bit. Verl smiled and then said “I am just kidding, Tyler, you can be an honorary member of the pack.” Over the next few days, they explored the underground jungle. Lava in pools lit the whole jungle. They thought the jungle would be pretty small, but they never found the edge of it even after three days of exploring. They found a herd of triceratops who were happy to let Tyler join because down here, their wasn’t anything to run from. “Yay! There is enough food and space for everyone to live here.” said Vector.  They lived happily ever after. And to this day, somewhere under our feet, the descendants of Vector’s pack and a herd of triceratops flourish in their underground sanctuary. The End.

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