Ever since that day | Teen Ink

Ever since that day

August 28, 2022
By bhosid SILVER, Fremont, California
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bhosid SILVER, Fremont, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Do you know what day it is?” asked a voice in panic and hurry.

“It’s April 3rd” answered an adult voice in the room.

"Mom, I’m going to be late. I’ve been tardy all this week, so we need to get going” said the
earlier voice.“

Yeah, one second, I’ll be there” replied Johana. She then found her car keys after
searching for them for the past thirty minutes. She turned to face her daughter Jolie--Jolie was a fourteen year old teenager. She was in high school. Jolie had blonde hair, and blue eyes. Unlike other members in her family-her dad, her brother, and her mom--all of them had brown hair and brown eyes. Johana would reason that her mother had blonde hair, although she was dead and shared no resemblance to Jolie. Jolie’s school would usually start at 9:00. The time on her phone was 8:55 AM. She was really anxious, she didn’t want to be late for school. She had already been late later this week because she woke up late on one day, and on the other she couldn’t find her homework that was supposed to be turned in the following day, which delayed her to school.

“Here we go, now come on,” said Johana. She didn’t want Jolie to be late either.

“I’m so sorry about today--I should have been more organized.”

“Mom, it’s fine as long as we make it in time--which I doubt we will because the time is

Johana sat in the driver's seat and Jolie sat next to her. She turned on the car and began
driving as fast as she could. She was so determined to get Jolie on time that she accidentally
missed a traffic signal, which turned red. After Johana realized that she had missed the signal,
she looked back to see if anybody noticed her. But it felt nobody had, the road in which she was driving was small, so it didn’t actually matter. Then she heard Jolie say, “Mom, please be careful”. Even though, nobody had noticed her; it felt as if the trees on the sides of the road were glaring as if she had committed a huge crime.

“Okay here we are” said Jolie.

“The time’s exactly 9:00--do you want me to drop you off by the office?” asked Johana.

“It’s fine, I’ll actually handle it myself. I think I can make it in time” said Jolie and gasped.

“Are you sure--okay, by the way, have fun at school today,” said Johana and left. She was
running late for her work as well.

Jolie started running. Her first class was Math. She was running down the hallway to
make it in time to the Math class as fast as she could. She made it to the class at 9:01 AM. She was right at time, while the teacher was taking attendance and hadn’t called out her name yet.The teacher had blonde, curly hair. Her students called her Ms. Harley.

“Hello everyone, hope you all are ready for today’s test” said Ms. Harley and smiled.

“We have a test today?” asked Jolie completely surprised. She was positively sure she
didn’t know about this.

“Yeah, we do. Didn’t you know about it?” said a girl who was sitting next to her.


Jolie wondered if her day would get any more worse after this. First being late, and
running across the hallway like crazy. And then, knowing that she had a test in math. She hoped she hadn’t forgotten anything else and wished her day would end soon.

After Jolie got home, she was worn-out. She had a mild headache. Her day at school
didn’t go as well as expected. She also had to study for a test they had tomorrow. Jolie saw her brother-John, sitting down on the couch busy watching a TV show. John was ten years old, he had brown hair and brown eyes. He shared a lot of resemblance to their dad. Sometimes, it
made Jolie wonder why she was different than the rest of the family. Why did she have blonde
hair? She didn’t bleach her hair. It was naturally blonde.

“Hey, how was your day at school” asked John half paying attention to his sister.

“It wasn’t that good” replied Jolie. “I don’t feel so good. I think I should call mom and dad
and let them know about it.”

John didn't even respond. He was way too busy to respond to his sister, after all, he had
been watching his favorite TV show.

Jolie went upstairs-- to her room. Suddenly, the headache she had got much worse--it felt like someone was hammering her head with something hard.

“I won’t call mom, I don’t want her to worry about me. Besides, I just have a small headache; it’s not a huge deal” said Jolie to herself. She lied on her bed. Trying to fall asleep. She thought that was the only choice she had. She threw herself on the bed, and she closed her eyes tightly. She started to think about how her life would be if she didn’t have anything to do--no homework, no tests, so she shouldn’t have to worry about getting a good grade on a test. She tried to pretend that she had nothing to do. Although, she had a lot to do. Everything felt so soothing. Her mind felt so relaxed, as if a large amount of weight had been lifted off her. Her bed was so smooth and comfortable. She didn’t want to leave it. She was in deep thoughts and unknowingly she was fast asleep.

“Jolie, wake up. You’ve been sleeping for three hours straight” said John.

“Wake up, Wake up.”

Jolie suddenly opened her eyes. It felt like she had been sleeping for hours and hours,
her eyes were bulging and she couldn’t open them right away.

“What happened?” asked Jolie

“It’s 8:30, mom and dad are not home yet--” began John.

“Really? They might be in their office--they might not be done with their work. Oh, I’ve
been sleeping for the past three hours, now I have to do my homework and--” started
complaining Jolie to herself. Even though, it felt good not thinking about what she had to do. But now, she had to do all of it.

“Can you call mom and dad. I want to talk to them?” asked John. John was concerned,
their parents were never this late. He wanted to know if they were okay.

“Yeah, sure.”

Jolie grabbed her phone from the bed, her phone had many cracks. She wanted to get a
new phone, but she also liked this one. Her parents had gifted her this phone on her thirteenth
birthday. She didn’t want to throw it away. Somehow her phone was turned off; she then realized that there was no battery in her phone. She went to charge it, and she powered on the device.

“Did you call them?” asked John.

“Yeah, I’m doing it, my phone was dead--wow, wait a second I actually got a call from
mom two hours ago, let me call her back” said Jolie. She called her mom, but then it was sent to an automated voicemail, which said “Welcome to your voicemail system. Your system has been automatically sent to the voicemail. Please leave a message at this tone--”Jolie always got frustrated whenever she heard the voice say that. So she just hung up the call.

“I don’t know why she’s not answering the phone, maybe she’s coming home with dad
and they’re on the way.”

“Yeah, but why would they not answer the phone.” said John.

“You know what, let’s wait for a few minutes. I’m sure they’ll show up by then--by the way,
do you want anything to eat, a snack or something” asked Jolie.

“Yes, please” said John. Although, John didn’t feel like eating anything. They had a
cheesecake in the refrigerator. John loved eating cheesecake. It was his most precious thing.
Usually, their mom or dad wouldn’t let him eat cheesecake every single day. Since, they weren’t here yet, he thought this was a great opportunity to have some of it.

“Okay, now that we are done having a snack that we weren’t supposed to be having.” said
Jolie. As much as John liked eating cheesecake, Jolie loved it as well. She especially liked the
flavors their parents got them--Caramel Apple Cinnamon, Chocolate Blackberry, Chocolate
Raspberry, Chocolate Strawberry.

“It’s been thirty minutes.” gasped John.

“why aren’t mom and dad here--I know this might be stupid, but I think something might
have happened--”

“What--no” interrupted Jolie.

Jolie grabbed her phone and tried calling her parents. She didn’t want to hear John say
one more word of his hysterical thoughts. But she tried calling them several times, there seemed to be no response. Jolie was frightened now, what would be keeping their parents so long? Were they even okay? All the thoughts were filling her mind. But then suddenly she got a phone call from her uncle--Henry. She wondered why he had called her this late. Did he know about her parents? Did something really happen to them?

“Hello uncle Henry” said Jolie over the phone trying to sound normal.

“Hey there, there is something that I need to tell you...It’s about your parents” said Henry
in a deep, low voice.

“What about them?” said Jolie in a horrified tone

“They, hmm...they have had an accident.” said Henry in a quiet voice.

Jolie just dropped her phone when she heard the word “accident”. But she grabbed her
phone and stood bravely and asked what happened to them.

“Uhg.. nothing much, they have just had a small accident--there’s nothing to worry,” said

But something about the way he said it made her feel like something was terrible.
Whenever uncle Henry used to say “there’s nothing to worry” it would always be the opposite.

“I am coming over there--” started Jolie

“No, you and John have to stay there. Sal will be coming to check on you guys tonight”
said Henry.

“Why? But what about our parents and--” started questioning Jolie.

“No more questions, get to sleep. And please don’t worry about anything, I’m under
control. Trust me, your parents are fine, they’re in the hospital. Don’t tell John about any of this”said Henry and hung up the phone.

“Okay” said Jolie. She didn’t know how to react. She didn’t know how or what shock felt
like, but she could guarantee that she was really shocked. She didn't want John to know about
this and be as devastated as she was, so she tried to be calm and pretend that nothing had
happened. She went in the living room-where John was sitting.

“Uncle Henry called you huh?” asked John.

“Yeah, it was just umh--mom and dad have gone out--they have something important to
do,so aunt Sal is going to come here tonight to check on us” said Jolie.

“Really?” asked John.

“I can tell you’re lying.”

“Please, just stop it--and I am not lying, why would I lie. I want you to go upstairs and get
to bed. Now. I mean right now.” said Jolie.

“Okay fine, but tell me when mom and dad are here--”


Then suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jolie ran over to the door to see who it was.

“Oh, hi. Aunt Sal” said Jolie. Jolie tried to put on a fake smile.

“Hello Jolie, it’s nice to meet you, I’ve come here to check on you and John. And don’t
worry about anything, you’re parents are fine.” said Aunt Sally. Sal had brown hair, and brown
eyes just like her mother. They were both sisters. She personally liked aunt Sal, she was really
kind and nice to everybody.

“Come in”

“Aunt Sal?” said John. John was unsure of what was happening to them. He could sense
that something was wrong, but he didn’t know what it was.

“Hello there John” said Sal.

“Now, you kids--it’s getting late. I want you to go upstairs, into your room and get to bed
right away,” said aunt Sal with strictness. Aunt Sal was good at handling with children--Jolie and John were her niece and nephew. She tried her best to pretend that everything was perfect from the outside even though it wasn’t from the inside. Jolie eyed her brother telling him to go to his room. Meanwhile, Jolie was still downstairs. She still had many questions about what happened. Clearly, she knew that something was wrong. She wanted to know what it was. Besides, she had the right to know- it was about her parents.

“aunt Sal, please tell me what’s wrong, did something happen to my parents--” said Jolie

“Oh, don’t be silly. You know what, you need a good night's sleep. That’s why you have
such drastic thoughts.” interrupted Sal.

“Go to bed Jolie. We’ll talk about this in the morning” said Sal in a quiet voice. It looked
like Sal was tired, because she had eye bags under her eyes. She also looked very sleepy. So,
Jolie thought it was best to go to her room. Now probably wasn’t the best time to ask her

Jolie went upstairs, she wasn’t convinced with the fact that everything was how it felt.
She lied on her bed, she grabbed her phone and tried to call her parents several times. There
was no response. After trying on and on several times--she gasped and felt tired. She fell on her bed, pulled over the blanket over her head. It felt so smooth, it felt so warm and soothing. She wanted to sink into that sensation, but then she reminded herself that something was wrong.

“Please, don’t let anything happen to my parents” prayed Jolie. Her mind was running through
very, very bad thoughts. Soon she looked at the time on her phone- it was 12:00. She thought it was getting very late. She closed her eyes, even when she closed her eyes her mind was racing with negative thoughts. She tried to ignore them all by thinking about the good times with her parents, and she convinced herself that they were perfectly fine.

“Come home soon…Come home soon” repeated Jolie to herself several times. Her head
felt heavy, her eyes felt heavier. She could feel her heart beating very fast. She closed her eyes, and wished that the aunt Sal’s words were the truth.

In the morning, Jolie woke up. She felt her head spinning in every direction. She suddenly
remembered everything that had happened last night. She wished it was a nightmare, but it
wasn’t. It was real, and she had no choice but to face it. She quickly got off her bed, and went
downstairs to check on her brother. She noticed uncle Henry, she wondered when he got here. It looked like aunt Sal and uncle Henry were talking about something serious because they looked terrified. Jolie didn’t want to eavesdrop, but they wouldn't even tell her what was going on, so she tried to sneak in under a table and hear what they were talking about.

“Jolie, what are you doing down there?” asked Henry.

“Oh, well I was just trying to get my earring, it’s on the floor” lied Jolie.

“By hiding under the table?” interrupted aunt Sal.

“No, I wasn’t hiding...oh, and by the way, do you know where John is” said Jolie changing
the subject.

“He’s in his room fast asleep. He had been awake for a long time yesterday. So, I thought
it would be best if he got some more sleep since, it’s Saturday--and I also didn’t want to wake
you up” answered aunt Sal.

“There’s something we need to tell you. You and John will be moving with us today and
will be staying with us” said uncle Henry with a quiet voice.

“What? Why? Where are our parents” asked Jolie. At this point, Jolie was getting
frustrated because her uncle or aunt wouldn’t tell her anything. It was better knowing something, even if it was terrible.

“As you know your parents are in the hospital. They are perfectly fine--and they told us to
bring you and John over with us for a few days to look after you guys” said aunt Sal in a sad

“If that’s the case, I want to talk to them, and ask them about that,” said Jolie in an angry,
loud voice. She realized that her voice was louder, she immediately lowered her volume.

“Okay, fine you can do that once you and John move in with us--for a couple of days

“No, first I want to talk to my parents. Now.”

“See. you can’t do that now.”

“Why not--they’re my parents. Are you telling me that I can’t talk to my own parents?”

“Off course not, here let’s make a deal. You and John are coming with us right now, and
once we get there you can talk to your parents. Sounds good?”

Jolie wasn’t convinced with anything her aunt was telling. She knew that there was more
truth to what she was telling. She didn’t know what to do. Why wouldn’t they let her talk to her parents? Were they even alive--The thought brought chills to Jolie. She had no other choice but to say yes to them. And then, she went upstairs into her room. She heard her aunt tell her to pack her stuff from downstairs as she shut her door closed.

“Jolie, there nothing to worry… everything is okay… you’re parents are perfectly fine..Is
this what they’re telling me. Do they think I’m a child” said Jolie loudly to herself.

“Uhg, where is my bag--oh, there it is”

After nearly five minutes--she packed all her belongings.She threw her bag on the bed.
She didn’t know what she was doing. She wanted to see what John was doing, maybe he woke
up? She went to John’s room. She saw uncle Henry with John, he had a backpack on his bed. It seemed like he had all of his stuff in it.

“uncle Henry, why are we moving?” asked John.

“You guys are not moving, you’re just coming with us for a couple of days.” answered
uncle Henry and turned to face Jolie. Jolie was standing in the doorway.

“You too, better get ready. We’re about to leave soon.” said uncle Henry to Jolie and left
the room.

John just stared at Jolie. He didn’t know what was going on.
Everything inside Jolie wanted to go tell her brother that something was wrong. Uncle
Henry and aunt Sal were not telling the truth. There was something behind to what they were
saying. But then some part of her didn’t want to tell him, she didn’t want to frighten him by
saying this. Plus, she wasn’t sure if they were even wrong in the first place. So, she thought it
was best for her to find out what was actually going on, on her own first.

“C'mon guys, we’re leaving.” called out aunt Sal.

Jolie and John ran downstairs. It took them twenty minutes to arrive at their uncle and
aunt’s house. Once, they arrived--Jolie began to think about what uncle Henry and aunt Sal might be hiding from her. Maybe, she could find something in the house that could tell her what they were hiding. Her uncle and aunt’s house was large. It had staircases, to Jolie--it felt like the stairs were automated and were walking on their own. They had many rooms, and overall the house was colorful. They were many portraits of her uncle and aunt, there were even photographs of Jolie and John when they were little. But something got Jolie attention, a
photograph of her mother and father in the corner of the room. She went there, and took a look at it. “The photograph must have been taken when they were young” Jolie wondered. She kept staring at it. She wondered how her life would be if she didn’t have parents. She was thankful to have such parents. She also realized something while she was taking a look at all these pictures; she noticed how her mother and aunt Sal looked so similar. Why wouldn’t they? Although, theywere sisters--there was something awfully similar about them. But she didn’t know what.

“Jolie, this will be your room as you’re staying with us--I mean, for a couple of days.” said
aunt Sal.


“Where’s John?”

“John is with Henry, his room is opposite to yours.” added Sal quickly.

“Meanwhile, you get settled to your room, okay. I’m right here, if you need anything.”


Jolie looked over the room, it was colorful just like her room in her house. It had several
paintings and portraits, which Jolie liked. It had a bed in the center of the room, it also had a
chandelier hung on the ceiling, which gave off light. She actually liked it, it turned around every minute creating a sparkle glow. Later on, she put her bag in one of the cupboards.Then, she unpacked it. She lied on her bed wondering what her next step was. She couldn’t let her aunt or uncle hide something important to her. She had to find a way to tell her the truth. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time, it was 2:40. She decided that she had to do something, she tried reaching onto her mom’s work number. Maybe they knew something that could help. But unfortunately, there was no response. Now, Jolie was really out of emotions. She had to know what was going on or she would go crazy. She went downstairs-she saw aunt Sal in the living room, talking to someone over the phone. She went there and stood right in front of her.

“Yeah, hang on. I’ll call you back later.” said aunt Sal as soon as she noticed Jolie.

“Aunt Sal, I’ve had enough of this. You think hiding the truth from us is the best thing to

“What truth? What are you talking about. If you’re talking about your parents then I’m
going to say what I’ve said ten times that they are okay; They’re in the hospital.”

“Then why can’t I meet them?”

“Listen, you can’t--I mean you can but not now, not today.”

“Not now, not today, or not ever?”

Aunt Sal glared at Jolie. No matter that there was something that she was hiding from

“Will you tell me what’s going on. And please don’t tell me ‘your parents are okay...they’re
in the hospital.’”

“Go upstairs” Sal ordered. She was so close in letting Jolie know the truth.

“No, I won’t. I am only going to go upstairs when I find out what has happened to my
parents. I am getting worried, it is better if you tell me now, rather than I find out the truth

“I am sorry for making you feel that I’ve been hiding something from you all long, but I
tried my best to stay normal.” Sal admitted.

“Definitely that didn’t work out as you expected”

“Listen, Jolie if you really want to know what has happened. Then--” began aunt Sal. She
motioned Jolie to sit on a chair next to her and she bought her hands together.

“What I’m about to say now...might be heartbreaking. But you have to promise me that
you will stay strong.”

“Can you please say what happened, you’re terrifying me”

“You’re parents they’ve had an accident--a big accident. They were brought to the
hospital, but they couldn’t--” said aunt Sal bringing Jolie’s hands onto hers. She started to cry
and hugged her. She had decided to let Jolie know about her parent’s death at the right time.

“What do you mean they--” tears streamed down Jolie eyes. She knew something had
happened, but she didn’t know her biggest fears might ever come true.

“Listen, Jolie. I know this is going to be hard on you and John--but you have to grow out
of it. Me and Henry will try our best to help you guys with anything and everything” said Sal. She knew what it was like to have no parents, her and Joanna's mom had died when they were young. And it had been hard on them.

“What am I going to tell John?” asked Jolie. She was in deep thought. She didn’t even
know if this was real. If she didn’t process the information as strong, surely John would be
devastated when he hears this.

“Better not tell him about this yet” said Sal wiping away tears from her eyes.

“He’s still young, we’ll tell him when it's the right time--I also wanted to tell you that me
and Henry are adopting you guys--you both are like children to us” said sal in a quiet tone.
Jolie was just staring at the open space, she was absolutely still, she didn’t move or
make a noise--nothing. She had been wanting to know what aunt sal and uncle Henry had been hiding from her all this time; now she knew it, she wished she hadn’t been so stubborn and willing to hear this. It was better to be in wonder of what happened to her parents rather than knowing what had actually happened.

“Jolie, you better act normal. If John sees you like this, he will surely know that
something is wrong” said Sal getting up from her chair.

“Do you want me to make you some--”

“No, I want to be alone, give me some time all by myself” said Jolie in a weary voice.
“Okay, but I’ll be right here if you need anything,” smiled Sal sadly and walked upstairs
leaving Jolie all by herself

“I don't know how things could get so much worse in just one day” said Jolie in tears.
She then looked at the portrait of her mom and her dad. She couldn’t explain how life worked
anymore. She remembered how yesterday morning- her mom drove her to school, and how she was late and running across the hallway like crazy and realizing she had a math test--she
wanted her day to end soon. Now she wished that day had never gotten over, she wanted to live on the same day over and over again. It almost took a few minutes for Jolie to realize that John was staring at her. She quickly turned away from him, and wiped her tears.

“Why were you crying?” asked John in complete amazement. He was sure he had never
seen Jolie cry like that before.

“Oh, that I wasn’t crying, I mean--I was crying but for the fact that--a friend of mine is
moving to a new place and she isn't going to be here anymore” lied Jolie. Jolie wanted to tell
John what had happened but aunt Sal was right, he was still young to process the information.

“Oh, okay” said John and went back upstairs.

Jolie went back to her room upstairs. She didn’t want to expose anything else to John.
To her, it felt so strange, so weird, so different after she got to know about that. She convinced
herself to not let herself cry, she didn't want John to know anything about this. She tried to be
brave. Soon, a question came across her mind--what school she’ll be going. Will she still be
going to the same school. It would be good if she got to stay in her school, at least that’s
something she won’t have to lose. There was some noises heard below. They were loud. She
went downstairs to see what it was. It was uncle Henry and aunt Sal.

“Why did you tell Jolie about everything?” asked Henry in a horrified tone. He thought
after hearing this, Jolie would have been devastated.

“She had the right to know, and besides she knew we were hiding something from her. It
would have been worse if she would have found out the truth herself” said Sal

“Yeah, aunt Sal is right” interrupted Jolie in their conversation

“Jolie, I’m so sorry. You had to listen to our conversation. I know that you are facing a
hard time, both you and John. But always remember, we’re always here to support you” said
Henry. He felt very supportive and caring.

“What about school?” Jolie asked. Jolie didn’t want to go to another school, at least she
shouldn’t have to lose her friends.

“Don’t worry about that, you will be going to your old school. I understand you’ve been
going through a lot and asking you to go to a new school would be a lot to you” said Sal
Julie knew her parents weren’t here anymore. It felt strange saying that. They were alive and
were there with her yesterday, but today there are--she hated to mention that. But she also
thought about how supportive her uncle and aunt were. Without them, their lives--Jolie and John lives would be miserable. All she could say was “Thank you, for everything you’re doing” to both of them.

Every day on, her life felt better and better. It had been a month since Jolie and John had
lost their parents and were adopted by their aunt and uncle. Although, there was sadness in
Jolie’s heart about the loss of her parents. Everything seemed to be getting right.
Jolie came home( her uncle and her aunt’s home, which is her home now) after school.
She found something on the table in the living room. It looked like a diary because it was thick, and was brown in color. She didn’t want to see it, it must have been aunt Sal or uncle Henry’s diary. She didn’t want to invade their privacy, it would be wrong. But something about the diary got her eye. It had the name of Johana on it. Johanna was her mother’s name. Had the diary belonged to her mother? She grabbed the diary, took a look at it. It was her mom’s diary, she could recognize her handwriting. Her handwriting was so neat...She opened it and took a seat and started reading. It looked like her mom had many diaries and this one was written when she was young.

“Today, the second of February, 2004” Jolie wondered what her mom had written on that
day, because it was her birthday. She kept reading on and she came across a line that didn’t feel good.

“We got a new family member in our home, our new happiness--our daughter. We
adopted her and decided to name her Jolie” read Jolie. It took a moment for Jolie to realize that it was herself, Johana was talking about.

“I’m adopted?” Jolie questioned herself. It felt so different knowing she didn’t actually
belong to that family when she felt she had something, some sort of strange powerful
connection with that family. Which might have been the reason why her parents adopted her.

“Jolie, what are you doing?” asked Sal. Sal was staring at the diary Jolie was holding.

She was hiding another secret, she didn’t want to confront Jolie with another problem.

“I was just reading mom’s diary” said Jolie in a calm voice.

“I was adopted”

“Julie are you okay--” asked Sal.

“Oh, yeah I'm perfectly fine. It doesn't matter if I’m adopted or not. I still belong to that
family, and they are my parents. Family is where you live with the people who you care and show affection to the most.

“Off course” added Sal. She was proud at how Julie was handling the situation.

“Don’t you think it’s time to tell John about what happened to our parents, I mean he
might react--” started saying Jolie to Sal. But then John had been there standing at the doorway all the time, they didn’t even realize it. “Know about what?” John asked. “About our parents being dead? Then yes, I know that” John added quickly. Jolie and Sal was just staring at him, they started him and started at each other not knowing how to act or respond.

“John, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want you to know about what happened to your parents like
this” said Sal.

“I’m fine. I actually knew this a long time ago. The day when you and Jolie were having
the conversation...I was there, listening to every bit of it.” admitted John. It felt weird saying that he had no parents anymore. His heart was sad, it sunk when he said “They're dead, they are not coming back here ever again”

“John, don’t say that. I know how hard it is to feel. Why didn’t you ask one of what what
had happened?” asked Jolie

“I didn’t want to create more problems,” said John quietly

“John, it doesn’t matter if our parents are here. I will never let myself or you forget about
them for the rest of our lives” said Jolie. She tried her best not to cry, but tears streamed down her eyes. She then wiped them.

Jolie couldn’t have better explained John. She knew John was very sad from the inside,
although he tried his best to not show it. He kept this fact up to himself. She thought it was very well mature of him to do that. She couldn’t have done that herself, John had once caught her crying in the living room.

“John, I know this is hard on you. But you should also think about uncle Henry and aunt
Sal--they did everything they could to help us” said Jolie. Jolie was grateful for her uncle and
aunt. She now figured out what was awfully similar about aunt Sal and her mother. They both
had a very caring and understanding nature. John turned towards aunt Sal. He hugged her, this made aunt Sal come to tears.

“Family is where you live with the people who you care and love” said Jolie to John and
moved next to him.

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