Sukiru Senshi HS | Teen Ink

Sukiru Senshi HS

April 26, 2020
By LiTsui_YT, Santa Clara, California
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LiTsui_YT, Santa Clara, California
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Author's note:

This book is really Book 13 of the entire Sukiru Senshi series. But it is Book 1 of the Sukiru Senshi High School series.

About two years ago, none of us ever expected an eleven year old boy to be able to end the Akirage. About one year ago, none of us ever expected a twelve year old boy to stop World War III in a world we don’t know much about. About a week ago, none of us ever expected a thirteen year old boy to save the population of two worlds. Do we ever go unnoticed on to why these unexpected extraordinary things happen?

It is because we judge too much on age or looks. Someone that looks like an ordinary school kid could be a spy for a government funded organization. Well, people that think that would be right. It has been peaceful for the past week. We could all thank Soren for that. Or, we can figure out the puzzle pieces to his success instead of saying he did everything.

Just because we got rid of some of the most dangerous events and people that we know, doesn’t mean we have got rid of ones that we don’t know of. If we were to come against something, it wouldn’t be like the Akirage. It wouldn’t be like World Zero. No, nothing like that. It would be something lurking in the shadows that even us Sukiru don’t know of. When the world is really distracted, then they may strike.


You may never know when someone or something will strike next. It could be anything that even people with the most wild imaginations can’t even think of.

-Sawyer Stevens

    Roy Anderson was sleeping for the past seven days face down on his pillow. After that fiasco in World Zero, sleeping was the only thing he ever thought of doing. His sleep patterns certainly confused his parents. After all, they thought Roy’s wanting to sleep was just a sudden change in his behavior. What his parents saw was a healthy Roy getting up at 10 in the morning to do his Honors homework on the closet of the last days of Summer.

    The sudden shift of wanting to sleep confused his parents. His parents did not know what really happened with Roy before the 7th of August (Which was when Roy was actually at his parents house). Roy was actually in another world the entire Summer helping scientists and professors to make a cure for a viral infection. Roy returned a week ago, tired of all the walking and flying just to get back “to the other side of the mirror”.

    “Roy!” his mom shouted.”Today is the first day of high school!” One name popped into Roy’s mind: Soren Shen Zen. Instead of springing up from his bed and getting the bike out of the garage in seconds, he stayed face down on the bed with his eyes closed. Roy was somewhat half-conscious. Soren Shen Zen kept popping into Roy’s head so he could try and motivate himself to get out of his bed. He was stuck as a statue laying there. 

    Why did I sign up for the 7AM start time, Roy thought. Oh yeah, there were rumors that Soren was doing that time as well. Roy got out of his bed, his mental capacity shrieking. He felt blinded by the morning light in his room. He then changed into his planned school outfit. Then,Roy had exited the room to the kitchen.

    “Good morning mom!” Roy greeted. His mom looked at him shocked that he was awake.

    “It looks like school was enough to motivate you to get out of bed this early,” his mom told him. “I can understand why you were so tired. All of those Honors Summer Assignments kept you busy”.

    “Um, yeah”

    “Oh! Look at the time. You woke up pretty late. I suggest you get on your bike right now and start going!”

    “Yeah, your right. It is like 6:50AM right now,”Roy paused. “See you tonight, mom.”

    He ran into the garage, got on his bike and opened the garage door. This bike isn’t a normal bike but actually a motorbike disguised as a bike. Of course, one of the perks of being a Sukiru was being able to bring stuff to school that is usually never allowed at school.

    In five minutes, he had made a grand entrance into the school by making the bike jump into the nearby bike rack area. The tires made a loud screech as they slided against the cement with brakes pressed.

    “You know, I don’t like rule breakers. Especially the ones that break the rules on the first day,” a manly voice said behind Roy.”You could get expelled for that considering the stunt you did and how many people you could have hurt.” Roy spun around and freaked out. He couldn’t believe getting expelled from school on the first day. “But, your services are needed,” he said in a whisper. The man handed Roy a small piece of card stock that could have been mistaken as a business card. “Being a principal is a very busy job. So, I will see you at the meeting!”

    The principal left stewardly to not arouse any suspicion. Roy looked at the piece of card stock. It was blank on both sides. So much for the first high school secret Sukiru meeting.

    “It looks like you met Mr.Allen early too,” Roy spun around and saw a boy standing a few feet from his scooter. “He scolded me when I rode in my scooter through the gate. I should have remembered not to do that.”    

    “His name is Mr.Allen?” Roy asked.

    “Yeah. Anyway, why do you think he gave us a blank card?”

    “Woah, woah, woah. Show me your card.”

    The boy showed Roy a blank piece of cardstock that looked just like his own.

    “Anyway, besides the card we need to get to introductions,” the boy said. “My name is Frank from NMS R76. What is yours?”

    “Roy, PMS R76,” Roy replied.

    The bell rang right after Roy answered marking the time as 7 in the morning exactly.

    “Hey, my card is showing something,” Frank pointed out. Roy took out the card from his pocket. On it were five words in black ink.


    “Well, let's head on over to the library,” Frank said. ”I know you have your own friends but I want you to meet a really good friend of mine.” There was only one problem, they were outside the bike rack but they have no idea where the library was. “Well, looks like we are going to be late to that meeting.”

    “Hey Frank, are you having trouble trying to find the library too?” a girl with long black hair said.

    “Well, yeah. I met this guy named Roy,” Frank told the girl.

    “Hi, I am Aurora and don’t even think about pronouncing my last name,” Aurora said unexpectedly.

    “Anyway, I was going to introduce Roy to Soren,” Frank said. Aurora darted her eyes away from Frank somewhat guilty like.

    But Roy wasn’t paying attention to the conversation between Frank and Aurora. “Wait, you two are friends with THE Soren Shen Zen!?”

    “Well, I am friends with him but Aurora- (Aurora shot a look at Frank) doesn’t really know Soren that much,” Frank said. “But what do you mean by THE?”

    No words escaped Roy’s mouth as he mumbled softly in shock. “D-D-Do you kn-know how-how fa-fa-famous he-he is?” Roy stuttered out.

    “Um, who hasn’t infiltrated Akirage bases and fought bad guys?” Aurora asked her face red.

    “You guys infiltrate Akirage bases and fight bad guys!” Roy shrieked with excitement.  

    “Hey Frank!,” said the familiar voice Roy heard on TV. “I see that you made some new friends.” 

    “Don’t say your Soren in front of this guy or else he is going to burst with excitement because he thinks you're famous,” Frank whispered.

    Soren looked behind him and saw Aurora and Roy. It was probably the most awkward moment in his life so far as he ignored Aurora and walked up to Roy.

    “Hey! My name is Bradford Locksworth!,” Soren lied.”Frank and I just wish that we were friends with Soren.”By this time Aurora’s face was now blushing red. “Anyway, I found the library if any of you guys were wondering.” Aurora blushed even further. 

    “SOREN!” Aurora shouted.”I can’t pretend that we just barely survived a plaque! That you almost died and I almost died! And the last time I talked to you I screamed and swore at you.”

    “Oh no, are you serious Aurora?” Frank said. “You gave Soren away to Roy!”

    “Well, I am not geeking much anymore,” Roy said calmly.”Besides what did we PMS and DMS kids miss at NMS?” Roy reminded Soren of Brodie. 

    “Nothing obviously,” Soren said, slightly upset at Aurora but thinking about Brodie.”Aurora, I always wanted to stay away from you ever since you yelled at me. But considering the circumstances right now, we can be normal friends again. I don-”

    “So Soren, didn’t you say you knew where the library was?” Frank asked.

    “Well, I sure do. Just come follow me. That’s all.” They walked through a set of doors into a building known as the C Wing.”This library has a main entrance from the inside unlike NMS.” They kept walking and then made a left at the first corner. They came across a room with bookshelves filling the wall.”Here is the Library. It is nice meeting you Roy.”

    “Hey, Soren. Can we talk?” Aurora asked. “I think I need to apologize for many things.” 

    Roy and Frank walked through the doors while Soren and Aurora stayed behind to talk to each other.

    “Hey Roy!”said a voice. Roy saw his friend Sawyer Stevens with his other friend Freddie Sutton.

    “Hey guys!” Roy replied.”This is my new friend Frank from Northridge. He is friends with Soren Shen Zen and I just met him!”

    “No way!,” said Freddie. Roy had told his friends everything from meeting Mr.Allen to his hanging out time with Soren. By the time Roy was finished, Frank had left to join his other friends.

    “Man, you're lucky. I’m even a little envious,” Sawyer replied. ”He doesn’t even know he is famous? Seriously, who is famous and would not know?”

    “I don’t know,” Roy replied.”Soren is sort of my friend. I can probably introduce you two to him if you want?”

    “Roy, I don’t think it is a good idea to introduce us to Soren right now,”Freddie interjected. “We need days maybe even weeks to prepare.” 

    “I had only ten minutes to prepare,”Roy said. ”You will both be fine. Maybe I can bring Frank.”

    Soren and Aurora entered the library and a sudden hush had spread across the Northridge transfers. To them, seeing those two together as friends was a miracle. But after a few seconds Parker and Dahlan transfers realized who the boy that walked through the doors were. Noise had filled the air of chatter between Dahlan and Parker transfer students.

    “Is that Soren Shen Zen?” a girl from Dahlan asked among her friends.

    “It is THE Soren Shen Zen. You have no idea how many followers and likes I might get on Instagram posting a selfie of us,” a boy from Parker said.

    The Northridge Sukiru were dumbstruck as it was going on. They heard in on the conversations between the Dahlan and Parker transfers except for Soren, Frank, and Aurora. Soren walked awkwardly around the library trying to find Frank or Daren or someone that was not from Dahlan or Parker. But, he could talk to Roy. Soren walked towards Roy a little hesitantly as he heard Roy talking to his friends about him.

    “Hey Roy!”Soren greeted.”How are your friends doing?” Sawyer and Freddie tried to think of something to say. 

    “Well they are just shy meeting you that’s all,”Roy replied. “The brown haired boy is Freddie. The other one is Sawyer.”

    “Are you sure you greeting them to me was a good idea? They look really scared.” Soren pointed out.

    “Hi, S-Soren!” Sawyer greeted. “We are just nervous meeting someone like you for the first time. Do- Don’t mind Freddie.”

    “Welcome Regiment 76 of Parker, Northside, and Dahlan to Britanica High School!” Mr.Allen greeted everyone. I have met a few of you already. I have some good news to tell you. Giving the “circumstances” as of right now. We will do something today besides the usual graduation ceremony from your Sukiru style Junior High graduation.

    Isn’t it odd that Soren said something about circumstances, Roy thought.

    “Not only will you be remembered now as SS BHS R76, but you will get your squads as well.” Excitement was spreading around the room as people wondered if they would be with Soren.”In your Junior High squads, there were six of you. Now, there will be nine of you. I trust that our regiment leaders can appoint the right squad leaders.” Mr.Allen looked at a boy from Parker, Soren and a boy from Dahlan.”You may be wondering about your instructors. They will still be your instructors. But, they won’t be teaching alone.” A grin went on Mr.Allen’s face.”First, we need to change your identification. After all, you're all no longer Middle Schoolers. Your new assigned identification is based on your previous middle school and your number according to your last name. For example, Robert Adams is from Parker and is 1 according to his last name. So, he is P1. You will be sent your new identification number so don’t worry about trying to figure it out. Check your PTD for your squad list too. The first person in the list is the leader.” Everyone murmured in excitement checking their PTD.”There is just one more thing! Your roommates will be the same people in your squad. Also, at the end of your school day, please go pick up your key card from the office. Have a good first day!”

    People started pouring out of the library. 54 kids to be exact. Soren took out the PTD and saw a notification.

Soren Shen Zen, Daren Soto, Sawyer Stevens,                Edgar Sullivan, Freddie Sutton, Aurora Takayaka,            Simon Terry, Frank Torres, Stephen Ty

    Soren stood there in the C wing just outside the library along with the other Sukiru looking at their PTD. He felt bad for Roy whatever squad he was in. Soren had his friends Sawyer and Freddie. Maybe Roy had more friends than just those two. He had Stephen, Frank and Daren, his old buddies. And he also had Aurora for the second year in a row just like Stephen.

    Frank approached Soren after talking to Jon.”Well, looks like we are going to be working together again just like sixth grade,” Frank grinned.”The time us seven were a team it was amazing and-” Frank had cut off realizing about Brodie. ”Nevermind, you should probably head to class now. I have the 8:05 start time instead.”

    Soren took out his schedule folded neatly in his pocket. He got all the subjects he wanted. First period was in the C wing and luckily,Soren was in the C wing. “Hello!” said Sawyer who had come into view from the crowds of Sukiru.”Let’s compare schedules!” Sawyer took his schedule out and compared it with Soren.”Aw man, I only have English and P.E. with you.”

    “So,” Roy interrupted.”What is your schedule?” Roy looked at Soren’s outspread schedule for a few seconds.”WE HAVE EVERY SINGLE PERIOD TOGETHER!”

    “Oh,” Soren said, surprised.”You're not in our squad but you have all your classes with me!” After a few minutes of comparing schedules and seeing whose friends Soren had classes with, it was time to head to Algebra 2 Honors with Roy. It turned out Freddy had no classes with Soren. Frank only had Biology with Soren. Aurora had all periods with Soren except for Digital Media and Algebra 2. Daren only had P.E. and French with him.

    “So, I hope you’re okay with the entire squad arrangement,” Soren said.

    “Not really, maybe you can help me,” said Roy on their way to their Algebra 2 class. 

    “Well not rea-”

    “I heard that your instructor is basically your genie without max wishes.”

    “Well, I mean he isn’t really like that. I just ask him a favor and it either goes wrong or it goes right.”

    “You know what I am thinking?”

    “Your thinking of trying to figure out a way to join my squad,” Soren figured.”I understand your reasons. I know how it feels to be left out from your friends. I will figure something out.”

    “Thank you Soren, find someone in your group that doesn’t want to be in your group then maybe we can make some sort of trade,” Roy replied.

    “Well, considering I am ‘The Soren Shen Zen’, there is no guarantee I can really help you successfully.” Roy and Soren had come across room C-105. The door was closed.

    “Well, you first then,” Roy said.

    “I am fine with that,” Soren replied.

    Soren touched the door handle and opened it. A few Juniors stared at the door to see who the kids were. Soren could make out the faces of Bill and Ethan from last year’s Geometry class.

    “Who are you two that come late to my class on the very first day?” said someone that was supposedly Mr.Tamagotchi. 

    “My name is Soren and this is my friend Roy,” Soren introduced.

    “Oh, I won’t mark you both absent.”

    “Thank you Mr.(Roy tried to pronounce it correctly) Tamagotchi,”

    “Mr.Allen told me you guys had something to do in the morning,” Mr.Tamagotchi winked.”There was probably nothing bad you did.

    Something told Soren and Roy that he was a teacher disguised as a Sukiru. I wonder how the Sukiru that don’t have a Sukiru teacher for their first period is going to act, Soren wondered. 


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