The Life Of Mortals: Among The Mortals | Teen Ink

The Life Of Mortals: Among The Mortals

November 2, 2023
By Anonymous


Chapter 0: Once apon godess times...

Once Upon Goddess time. Goddess was free and happy. They all had different ranks. They all had a “Omega” and “Alpha”. There were 18 middle ranks. It was just like royalties. 20 ranks. 20 being close to a goddess. But many goddesses and royalties were once on a rampage. Trying to figure out who's the queen or goddess or king. Once they found out mortals were dying from an illness or malfunction called overpower. They started to panic. Until a legend came. She wanted to find herself. She wanted to find love. But she was invisible. Goddesses found out they should make a challenge to see who could be the queen. And the girl joined. To be seen. After 5 years. There were 10 left. The girl found love. But it wasn't enough. The final rounds were hard. Until the outbreak got worse. And her powers started to malfunction in the crowd of goddesses and royalties. They were surprised that no one had gotten hurt. She held back her powers trying not to kill anyone near her. But she didn't die. She overcame her overpower. Her powers were unstable. But she quickly got used to it. Her wings were bigger. But she was exhausted . They asked her to be disqualified. They begged her. But her words…

“I can't. I want to be seen. I want to find myself. I want to find love. I want to help. I don't want to be invisible anymore. I want to save people and help our kind.”

She went on with the games. And she won. …

“You know I've seen you in school a lot. I know you like me…so one day marry me ok?”

So he and she became a couple. 2 years later she was crowned as a legend. A queen. They called her Queen Sia. and John was in love with that queen. They got married. And spend years together. Because it's now a saying. “Goddess cant die '' but of course it wasn't true. An illness could kill them like an overpower. But other than that. Queen Sia hid herself and played her queen role from a shadow. And saved her kind…she lived decades with her love. But once the time passed. The Queen became only a myth. And “Queen Sia'' and John Forset lived together…60 years later…they had a kid. Because the goddesses disappeared. So Queen Sia lived in the open.Eating for 2…thinking that goddess was now extinct ....”Right?”....Because no one knew the truth of the past…or what lies ahead…

What to find out what happends next? Start reading~


The Life Of Mortals: Among The Mortals

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