Kinda Sketchy | Teen Ink

Kinda Sketchy

December 15, 2022
By ariana_b, Seneca, South Carolina
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ariana_b, Seneca, South Carolina
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Author's note:

Im a younger writer, who just wants to show people my capability and skill in writing.

Roy and Sketch are the best urban horror film directors of the decade. They've won numerous awards for their realistics scenes and inventive mayhem when it comes to modern horror.Their new film is in production but there's a problem, both guys are missing and there's a blood trail leading off set… Lilith, the executive producer, claimed to have found them on her way out after the last take. No one could have imagined this would happen. Roy and Sketch are known to go out of town and run errands without saying a word,so it wasn't seen as abnormal that they were gone.  It was abnormal when a couple of days turned to week and their team began to wonder. They would never miss the early production of a film. Lilith was petrified. She wasn't stiff long when the pungent, decaying odor came from their being. Her eyes flooded and she emptied herself of that morning's breakfast. She ran out the door and called 911. Unfortunately, the production of the film was canceled due to the situation. "Sketchy Productions" fans were upset about the cancellation of the film, but were in utter shock and disbelief when "The News" broadcasted the death of Roy and Sketch. It went viral. Roy and Sketches' family, their team, and fans came together for the funeral. Many tears and cringe worthy fanfics were shared that day. One question was going through everyone's head, "Who did this?". Detective Harper was brought to the case. She went to question her first suspect, Lilith. She was the first to see the bodies. Lilith was brought to Detective Harper's office. The questioning began. "Where were you the morning of Roy and Sketch's death?", asked the detective. " When I woke up, I first went on my coffee run to get my usual. After, I dropped off my kids at daycare then went to work." Lilith responded. " You say that Roy and Sketch disappear often?", continued Detective Harper. "Yes." Lilith confirmed. "It's strange though, they just appeared there out of nowhere." "Elaborate", said Detective Harper". "As I said, It was normal for Roy and Sketch to be gone for a couple of days. They like to go out of town and find "new material", it's how they get their new ideas for movies. Anyway, they were gone for a while and the team and I thought it was weird, but we didn't really question it because Roy and the Sketch were weird themselves. She continued, "Me and the team were at the set for the whole day, we would have noticed a blood trail and definitely that horrible stench. It's as if they were dragged through the set area.” Detective Harper sat and pondered. “Was there any time that you or the team left the set? Asked the detective. Lilith stared blankly, relapsing through the events that occurred that day, she widened her eyes, “ Wait- the team and I left for a half hour lunch break in between a take" Detective Harper smiled excitedly for finally getting a lead. "Everyone?" Detective Harper asked." Everyone..except the security guard.” That was her next suspect, she asked similar questions and then asked to look at the cameras. What could be seen was the production crew, Lilith, and the actors, leaving to go to lunch. The security guard was seen securing the area. As soon as he turned the corner, a tall hooded figure appeared dressed in black from head to toe dragging the bodies through the set and then to the back. She looked back at him. " But h-how". He was perplexed. " You are obviously not qualified for this job." "Did you even look at the footage?". He looked down shamefully.  She rolled her eyes. "I'll talk to Lilith about you later".  She then went to question everyone that was on set. None seemed suspicious, so she went to question Roy and Sketch's family. She got to Roy's grandmother, "Grandma Deb". Roy's parents died when he was really young in a car accident so he was with his grandmother for the majority of his life. "I loved my grandson, he had such an imagination. He loved spooky movies and Halloween." She chuckled, " Such a weirdo". Her eyes watered and she began to sob. Detective Harper patted her on the back for comfort. " Why would anybody want to do this to my boy!" She cried. "I am not sure ma'am, That's what I am here to find out. Do you know of anyone that Roy may have been in contact with that may have resentment towards him?" The detective asked. Grandma Deb wiped her eyes, "Well, there was this one man that Roy was best friends with throughout school. His name was Charles but everyone called him Chuck. He had one brown colored eye and a blue one. Never seen it before in my life" She continued, " Him and Roy both had a love for horror movies, so Chuck would come over, spend the night and watch them with Roy. They always would talk about when they grow up they would be "big shot" movie producers, they would film little skits with my old camera in my backyard, it was the cutest thing" She laughed. " Where does this apply in the investigation maam?" Detective Harper asked irritably. "Oh right, so sorry!"Grandma Deb apologized. " After they graduated, they planned on producing movies. But to Roy, Chuck's ideas weren't good enough, so he ditch him for fame and got with Sketch." Detective Harper's interest in Chuck peaked. "Roy has always been kind of selfish in his ambitions so understandably, Chuck was hurt and let his feelings get the best of him. He broke in, stole one of Roy's storyboards and made a movie with it. He became famous for it and started a franchise. Of course Roy found out and exposed him. Chuck lost everything. His fame, his money, even his wife.  He was furious. Roy was walking downtown one late evening to do some work;before he could meet his destination,Chuck just came out of nowhere and tackled him. A couple of civilians saw it and broke it up. It took three grown men to get Chuck off of him. Roy did sustain injuries, but it was only mild. He was very fortunate because Chuck did have lethal weapons on his person. It turns out he was stalking Roy for a while, planning a moment to take his resentment out on him. Chuck was then charged and arrested. He was released two weeks ago." Grandma Deb explained. "Well it seems quite apparent who our suspect is." Detective Harper thought to herself. "Thank you ma'am" she said aloud.  "Of course," Grandma Deb said with a sad smile. Detective Harper looked at all the information she had but she couldn't think of where Chuck could be. She tried contacting his family, but they said they hadn't seen him since his arrest. She tried looking through records but nothing of use could be found. It was as if he no longer existed.  She was beginning to lose hope. One day she went out on a walk late on the city street. Something she did to clear her mind and focus. It has been two days and she still doesn't have any more leads. This Chuck guy is nowhere to be found. She continued to walk. " I need this case or i'll lose my job" she thought to herself. Then she thought of Grandma Deb, " She also needs this and so many others." She sighed. Then she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly turned around, no one was there. She didn't expect anyone else but her to be out this late,  " Who's there!" she yelled. Nothing. She began to be a bit anxious. She hesitantly turned around and continued to walk. Suddenly she heard quick footsteps coming toward her. She jolted back around, holding the attacker by the throat, quickly chucking them to the ground. She took an exasperated breath and noticed their appearance. Tall and wearing all black just like in the security footage. She unveiled the identity, he was pale, scraggly, and looked like he hadn't slept in days. He looked like a generic bum on the street trying to mug someone. But then she noticed his two different colored eyes. One brown one blue. She smiled, pleased with herself. Assuming he gave up, she loosened her grip. In response to this, he took his foot and jab her in the chin. She fell back and yelled. He began to run to the woods. She quickly recovered and chased after him. It was pitch black out, so she could hardly see anything. The only thing she could truly identify was the footsteps. She kept running until she heard a yell followed by a loud thud. She halted, no longer hearing footsteps. She slowly continued to walk. Thanks to the light of the moon she could make out a sudden drop ahead. She looked down. There he was, lifeless, a pull of crimson streaming from him.

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