If I Were Mayor of My Town | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor of My Town

September 5, 2018
By angieg2002 BRONZE, Woodbury, New Jersey
angieg2002 BRONZE, Woodbury, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a town as a compactly settled area usually larger than a village but smaller than a city. However, I define a town as a community of people whom all live close to each other and who are all different and unique in their own ways. At least this is the way I would define my own town.

My town is located in the suburbs and is close to Philadelphia. It is very diverse and there are many beautiful and vibrant cultures in my town. I love where I live, but there are major issues in my town that local politicians, let alone the mayor, have not yet tried to solve. These issues are holding it back from achieving its full potential. If I were mayor I would try to resolve the main issues that are hurting my community and make it a better place for people to live.

The first issue that I would try to resolve in my town is economic development. Where I reside has numerous empty storefronts and the stores that are surviving are either liquor stores or thrift shops. The empty storefronts combined with these unsightly stores makes the town seem unappealing to outsiders. To address this problem I would bring in entrepreneurs who have unique businesses that are largely arts-oriented. The towns that are thriving near the Philadelphia area all share the same trait: they have stores that carry products that you can't get anywhere else. They sell items that are hand-crafted and made by local artists. They sell the type of products that you can't buy from a mall. People love these unique shops and the merchandise they sell because they know it's high quality and that it will last a long time. We need businesses in my region that sell items handcrafted by artists. Businesses that are largely arts-based, are the kind that people flock to and they may make where I live worth visiting.


The next problem that I would tackle in my town is the lack of programs for youth to engage in after school. When my local high school shuts its doors at 3 p.m a majority of its students are left with nothing to do. They either end up roaming the streets or they start massive fights that have to be handled by the police. To solve this massive problem, I would start youth-oriented groups that take place every day after school. These groups would center around activities and topics that young people are interested in. For example, one group would be a video game club where teens could discuss the newest video games that they are interested in. There would be an Xbox and TV set up, so members of the group could play video games too, instead of just talking about them. Of course, there would be many more groups than just this one and local businesses and residents could help by hosting these clubs. By starting youth-oriented clubs teens in my town would have a place to go after school where they could express themselves and feel they are part of a group.


The last issue that I would address as mayor is the absence of arts in the town. In my community, there is a large portion of residents who are older and who hold conservative viewpoints.

Unfortunately, these residents tend to look down on the arts because they feel that it welcomes people with liberal viewpoints, who would mock their conservative views. However, the arts may be the only thing that could attract people into the town. To make the presence of the arts greater where I live I would organize groups that focus on the arts. These groups could focus on improv theater, mural painting, or even music. I would also establish art galleries where artists can sell their paintings, sculptures, and pottery. Lastly, I would organize a huge arts festival each year that displays how important the arts are. I would have the improv theater group perform at this festival. I would also have local artists and craftsmen sell their products at the arts festival. My hope is that by showcasing the arts the conservative residents would begin to realize how the arts are positively influencing the local area and making it a better place to live.


Potential means showing the capability to become great in the future. When I look at my town I see such apparent potential. It almost seems like a 1967 Shelby GT500 Super Snake that you stumble upon in a junkyard. You do not expect to see such a rare car like this in a junkyard, but there it is, calling you to it. The car has two of its tires missing, it has no windshield, and patches of rust are scattered all over the body of the car, but in your mind, you imagine what it looked like in its prime. You bring this treasure of a car home with you and begin to renovate it, so it can become the exquisite car that it was in 1967. You complete all of the renovations and in this glorious state, you see the car has reached the peak of its potential. In its heyday, my community attracted onlookers with its charm, however, like this car, it suffered damage as the years passed. My town needs somebody to come and restore it, so it can achieve its full potential and appeal to outsiders again.

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