I have to this for a grade | Teen Ink

I have to this for a grade

October 29, 2018
By Anonymous

How would you feel if you just came out of high school and you had to get a job and support yourself but you have no idea how to cook, apply for jobs, or manage money? This situation would be less than beneficial and to fix that schools should put more focus on economics and cooking, as well as important skills for jobs.

School does not prepare us for adulthood because you are not taught any useful life skills. One reason is that there should be more focus on economics and cooking. For example near the end of high school (Sophomore to Senior Year), it should be heavily encouraged if not mandatory to take these classes in order to graduate from high school so that you know how to support yourself in the real world. According to The Huffington Post, “There are many other life skills that I think should be taught in our educational system from kindergarten through high school. And the earlier the better, because research shows that learning a new skill is much easier the younger you are. Whether it’s learning to play the guitar or speak a new language like Spanish, we wouldn’t struggle later in life with how to learn the best and easiest way to learn something new.” (Morgan). Life skills should be taught in school and would be more effective if taught earlier.


Also school doesn’t prepare you for an actual career. One example is that you don’t get shown any actual careers to follow. There’s no classes that show you any careers so you don’t get a good idea of your options. Also you don’t get taught what’s required to get a job. Work Ethic, teamwork, responsibility, and presentability are all important to get a job and school doesn’t really touch on any of that. According to Eric Duffy, “In the four years I spent studying architecture, we did lots of sketches and learned about design. But we never built a building. We weren’t involved in the process of building one. That resonates with a lot of university studies. There’s a great deal of theoretical learning, studying of history, and exploring of ideas. But if someone were to spend those four years in the job market actually doing the job, they would come out a lot farther along.” (Forbes). he would have been better off joining the workforce sooner than wasting time taking architecture.

Economics, cooking, and job specific skills are what schools should be teaching. If an entire generation of kids graduate from high school with these skills, then they would have a much easier time becoming an actual adults, as well as many generations of children. These adults will teach their future children these skills which will be reinforced at school. Doesn’t it make sense to teach kids these skills so that they will have a brighter future?


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