Anxiety : What It Is and What Types There Are | Teen Ink

Anxiety : What It Is and What Types There Are

November 22, 2018
By 短くて甘い BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
短くて甘い BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even if you can't make the pancake you can still be the pancake. The pancake is inside of you. - Gerard Way

Anxiety, is a very broad term which can represent various different things. What people first think when they hear it is mostly the disorder known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and when they think of that, they think of the kid in the back of the class who never raises their hand for anything, kind of like the girl from The Breakfast Club that sits in the back drawing. Occasionally, that could be it, but it's only the tip of the iceberg.

The first thing I'm going to touch on, is how everyone expieriences it, and you probably already know that, but I think of it as people have certain levels depending on which events are occuring. Fear is like a version of anxiety, but fear was built in, it's an emotion that occurs always because of real life reasons. Anxiety can happen out of nowhere just like the blink of your eye. Anxiety can happen because of a presentation at school, or a job interview. But it could be for really no reason at all.

Now moving on to types of anxiety, which can go off into smaller chunks of the word. There is good and bad anxiety, the type which can hep you survive and realize the situation you're in, initiating the fight or flight response, or just play dead, either way, it keeps you alive, it's natural. The bad type is when you worry about small things all the time, every little thing, like someone judging you, or the fact that you might drop your books in the hall or accidently rip your paper. When it happens too often, it can lead to heart problems and other internal injuries later in life. It can cause a large amount of stress, which is why it is good to contact a family member or counselor. 

Branching of from the bad anxiety, it goes into two similar but different diagnoses. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and Generalized Axiety Disorder (GAD) mentioned in the first paragraph. Social Anxiety kind of goes with the name, mostly based on social worries, like if people would judge you, or they're looking at you, or someone might dislike you for something you did. GAD is what you might do, not what other people think. It could be made up of some social worries, but mostly if you'll mess up your homework or if you spill your water on your computer. But people without it worry about tose things, right? Correct, but people with Anxiety have a bit of an overreaction, and sometimes get out of their way to avoid the situation.

This was pretty short, but I hope you found this helpful for anyone wanting to know more, if not, then I have to get better at this sooner or later. This ws just a bit of what I think about it, and what certified doctors think. Hope you have a nice day! ~ Alex

The author's comments:

I kind of struggled with this piece of writing due to the fact of me desperately trying not to put in any personal expieriences with anxiety myself, since I had many problems with it in my life. I hope this goes well for everyone, and that if you -or anybody else you know- have anxiety or  social anxiety yourself, that I hope you are doing well and having a great Thanksgiving! Please remember to help others in need that may have been having suicidal or has self harmed in the past, please contact someone to help them, or try to talk to them yourselves. Thank you.

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