Is Interstellar Travel the Way of the Future? | Teen Ink

Is Interstellar Travel the Way of the Future?

December 6, 2018
By Anonymous

Interstellar travel is necessary for the human race to develop for many factors including acceleration of other science projects along with it and prevention from the extinction of the human race. There are many ways the human race could fall prey to extinction on Earth including overpopulation, loss of topsoil, Venus syndrome(Earth heating up extremely causing it to have a climate like Venus), rising sea levels, and supervolcano explosions (BBC). There are also outer space threats like asteroid impacts and the sun’s hydrogen supply running out causing it to turn into a red giant (BBC). But that is not the only benefit of focusing on interstellar travel.

Interstellar travel can accelerate sciences in ways that are almost unimaginable. Ways like how to keep humans alive for longer for space travel as it can take a long time to travel from one place to another, put farms of plants in space for human use and can lead to the improvement of energy sources here on earth. Nuclear fusion, or the process of taking hydrogen atoms and combining them to create helium atoms, a process which is achieved by stars like our sun. Nuclear fusion can be used in space travel very efficiently as it is rapid and it is advantageous for more extended space expeditions than what we are undertaking today (Washington University). It can be used on earth as well for general electricity consumption and does not make any toxic nuclear waste. Also, a few plants including the mizuna lettuce are already grown in space(NASA). This could solve the loss of topsoil problem as we can grow plants in space.

Interstellar travel is the way of the future because it can prevent the human race from getting extinct quicker and is likewise imperative for additionally quickening different sciences.

BBC:“Future - The Greatest Threats to Humanity as We Know It.” BBC News, BBC, 15 Aug. 2017.

Washington University:“Fusion Energy for Space Propulsion.” Aeronautics and Astronautics, 29 Oct. 2015.

NASA:Dunbar, Brian. “Growing Plants and Vegetables in a Space Garden.” NASA, NASA.

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