Dystopian Literature | Teen Ink

Dystopian Literature

February 5, 2019
By Anonymous

Why are teens so interested by dystopian literature. Dystopian literature has had a rise of popularity recently.This makes people why the recent rise has happened. Teen are entertain by the idea of a future that went wrong and along with dealing with real world problems also they teach life lesson in an exciting way.

Teens are entertained by a future that went wrong. Like in “ten and a flag” the government lets people think they have free will but the government control everything. “Mr. White ‘Of course we knew what your husbands would do central is ninety-nine percent accurate, remember. We don't question its results.” This is what said by a high ranking official as someone is carried away for being a traitor to the nation.

Teen love that dystopian literature deals with problem that could actually happen. Like In Harrison Bergeron and ten and a flag the government has so much power that they can do whatever they want. The government taking power is a thought that could happen if people don't protect their rights.

Teaching listening life lesson is what teens like about dystopian literature. Some life lessons that are taught throughout the novel is that power can corrupt people. This allow teen to learn lesson without the same boring stories.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment for class.

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