Being an Adult: What's the Big Deal? | Teen Ink

Being an Adult: What's the Big Deal?

March 5, 2019
By allisonadler16 BRONZE, Ocoee, Florida
allisonadler16 BRONZE, Ocoee, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being an adult. Something in life that will eventually come, but what really makes someone an “adult” is a very good question, because does, or should, a person’s age really make someone a true adult? I actually know many people who are 18 years old or older, legal adults to the United States government, but in reality they really don’t have it all put together. On the other hand though, at the same time there are 13 and 14 year olds out there who are so mature and grown up already that they might as well be considered “adults”. It is actually quite funny to me how there are 17 year olds out there, living along in a big city all by themselves, and at the same time there are 40 year olds out there in the world who still live at home with their mothers who do everything and anything for them. So what is it? What really is it that makes someone truly an adult? Is it what they have been through? Somebodies hardships and their struggles? Or, could it simply just be them being able to legally drink alcohol at the age of 21, or legally vote at age 18, or legally run for president at age 35.

So what is it? I believe that it is not just one specific set in place thing that truly makes someone an adult, but a multitude of things. Maturity is a big one for me. The more mature someone is, the more of an adult they are to me. That does not mean what’s so ever that it is wrong to have a sense of humor, actually, humor is an amazing quality that should be welcomed. I just mean maturity, as in, being able to handle emotional and scary scenarios without cracking inappropriate jokes or fleeing from every situation, and things along that line. So no, it is not wrong to have a funny and bubbly personality, but to me, going on through life with a mature attitude, and a mature outlook on things will really help in the whole “adulting” thing.

Or at least, it will make it easier, because it is indeed no secret that life isn’t easy. So, overall, I don’t think turning 16, 18, 21, 25, or anything else like it will automatically make someone truly an adult. It is up to that individual person to find it within themselves, which sounds very cheesy, but at the end of the day it is incredibly true. Turning “x” age does not make you automatically successful and fulfilled in life, it is up to people on their own to figure out themselves what they need in life and how to get it. It needs to start from the inside and move its way out, they need to really be in sync with themselves emotionally (and physically as well) and once that happens, once they start to be fulfilled with themselves, that really will be a huge step in being at peace and at ease with the world and being ready and/or able to take it on.

Turning 18 does not automatically mean one is able to go out and do everything that adulthood would require of them right away. For some people it takes a lifetime, and for others it takes half a lifetime, and for others it won’t even take two decades, but eventually a person will get to a point where they can live on their owns, and go about their daily lives without having to ask mom for help. Emotionally, being able to do all of those things will help with that as well. Being able to balance a checkbook is one thing, but really knowing what your plans and goals are in life, and knowing when and how you’re expecting to achieve those plans and goals will assist in truly, one day being a real, successful “adult”.

 So the answer to the prompt that peaked my interest “What milestone makes someone an adult”, is that there isn’t one specific answer. To many it may just be the 18th birthday, and that is fine, but to me at least it is not that simple. It takes many things, maybe age is just one of those things, but overall it takes maturity and knowing yourself and your surroundings inside and out. I probably won’t consider myself actually an adult when I turn 18 in 2 years, even though I will technically be one to the government, I think it will take me some time to consider myself one. Being an adult, a real adult that goes out and does all of these adult things, that is just not me yet. People who are much older than me can say the same thing, or maybe not, people who are younger than me could say the same thing as well, or maybe not, and that is all totally fine. It should be fine for people to take their time, and not rush into things. So no, one specific milestone does not make you an adult, but one day you’ll realize out of the blue when you are doing some random activity that you really are an adult now, and that’ll be when you know.

The author's comments:

This piece was written by me during the 2018-2019 school year in my Creative Writing class. I am currently a highschool junior (11th grade) and I hope you enjoy!

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