A Good Friend | Teen Ink

A Good Friend

May 22, 2019
By Leviathandragon BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Leviathandragon BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on!” They were everywhere, completely surrounding me, holding the weapons of previous victims, alien and human alike. There were too much- suddenly the game froze as the phrase ‘Game over’ flashed on the screen. I threw the controller on the couch in frustration, this was the last level to the game and I had set it at a high difficulty setting, but no one would play with me, my brother usually did but he was unavailable, and my other family wasn’t interested, so I continually died over and over again. Suddenly, the door rang. I had absolutely no idea who could possibly be ringing the door at 11:30 in the morning on a saturday. I opened the door and my best friend Caleb was waiting, custom Halo encased Xbox pro controller in hand “I was bored and I knew you were too, wanna play a few games?” I don’t know how he knew that I was bored, but I didn’t really care. “Yes! I need help on a level though.” It was the best day I had that week. I believe everyone should have a good friend.


I remember the first time I really believed in having a good friend. It was at the beginning of 4th grade. We had just moved to a new place and I knew nothing about anything and anybody in my new home. It was lunchtime on the first day of school, and I was sitting alone at a table at the corner of the lunchroom. It wasn’t that bad. I had my own table and I was near the board games and, being the nerd I was, I was trying to play chess by myself. Suddenly, during when I was trying to check the white king with a black knight, a voice rang out behind me “Hello I’m Isaac. Can I sit here?” I turned around and saw that he was talking to me! “Well, yes!” We played many games and talked together until the bell rang. As I said goodbye to my new friend, I realized, I wasn’t alone anymore.

 I encountered another example of this belief when, a few years later, I moved again. It was very similar to the time when I was in 4th grade. It was 7th grade when the science teacher assigned everyone to a group project. And guess what? You can choose your partners! Not that exciting for me. I had no friends to pick or vice versa. I was sitting alone at a table near the very corner by myself, trying to complete this extremely frustrating project, when a voice rang out behind me. “ You need help?” I turned and saw a blonde-haired kid standing behind me. “You look like you need it.” then he held out his hand and said “I’m Caleb. What’s your name?”. I shook his hand. “Logan. My name’s Logan.” That day I got an A and a new friend, so it was a pretty nice day.

I  also know that others can’t always be that person who will walk up to lonely or friendless people and try to say hi or even just sit by them. Sometimes, you have to be that person. I realized this after one day at lunch near the end of 7th grade I walked into the lunchroom and sat at my usual table. I was unpacking my lunchbag when I saw, in the corner of my eye, a kid. Sitting by himself at a table not too far away from me. I had just about started to dismiss it and go back to my lunch and talking to my large group of friends when I remembered the last two times I had been that guy, sitting alone, and all by himself not too long ago. So I instead turned and said to the kid “ It looks quite boring over there. Do you want to sit here instead?” gesturing to an empty seat near the center of the table. He looked at me, startled that anyone was talking to him at all, and shyly nodded his head. I asked for his name and he said “Matthew.” He would become another of my best friends until I again moved.

Having good friends are important to our lives. They are the sun piercing through a cloudy day, the wind in a ship’s sail, and the person we turn to when we need help. They have helped me get through school and some tough times in my life. I thank whatever all-powerful force that is out there for bringing these people into my life and others. I hope that everyone will have the chance to have a good friend.  

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