Set Piece | Teen Ink

Set Piece

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

I am practicing satire in this set piece. This set piece is about how people can’t take jokes. People either get very angry or are very sensitive. In today’s day and age, you can say anything and people will get offended. I liked that I was able to express my feelings about overly sensitive people. 

I hate it when people can’t take a joke. People that take everything so seriously must have something wrong with them in the head. For example, once I jokingly said, “I’m smarter than you” to one of my classmates. Then he started spouting scientific equations trying to prove he was smarter than me. This person spent his childhood memorizing science textbooks only to grow up and probably never use this knowledge again.

There was also this person that got very offended and started crying when I jokingly told him that he shouldn’t talk to girls all day. All I needed was one sentence to make him cry. There was no way he could survive in real life. If he was fired from his job he would just break down crying and never get a job again.  

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