4 Thing To Do When Your Not At Your Best | Teen Ink

4 Thing To Do When Your Not At Your Best

November 5, 2020
By KaylaVybz BRONZE, Des Plaines, Illinois
KaylaVybz BRONZE, Des Plaines, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We've all experienced a time where we weren't at our best. It could've been caused by our loved ones death, losing a close friend, or simply being angry without a reason. Every single one of these topics are normal to feel but it all comes down to what we're willing to do to not feel like that anymore.  


1. Taking A Shower  

What? A shower! Doesn't everyone do that? Well yes and no, believe it or not but when some people lack the motivation or are currently not in the right head space, a shower is the last thing they would do. And If you are one of those people who don't do the basic daily self care, I promise I won't broadcast your name out in the world for not taking a shower but If you want to start somewhere, start by making it a routine to do your daily self care needs. 


2. Go For A Run

You read that right, Go for a jog! Even going outside can be really great but if your one of those people who love to be active while being outside, Go for a run! Still having doubt? Listen to this, when you run/exercise your brain releases these chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins naturally elevate your mood to be energized and happy, sooo what are you waiting for? Get your water and go!


3. Set Challenges For Yourself    

Setting challenges for yourself is one of the greatest workouts if your looking to strengthen and add more joy to your mind set. When you constantly challenge your brain, your thinking patterns will change. Your brain will realize that you don't time to be sad 24/7, you will realize that no one has the time to wait for small amounts of happiness to pass by so you can actually do something. I know that was a lot for some people but it's the hard truth. In addition, how start setting challenges for myself is first I decide what I'm struggling/lacking on and then begin looking up challenges to overcome the issue. 


4. Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable 

Being comfortable with the uncomfortable, strange right? I'll try my best to explain this one because I know the statement is a little vague. Starting off, determine a few things that adds comfort into your life, once you got that down, go ahead and now think of things that add discomfort. Chances are there's going to be more activities inside your comfort zone than outside, encase it's vice versa for you, A+!! As well as that, push yourself to dive deeper into those habits and if they're potentially hurting you from a life you want. I'll give you a personal example, YouTube, food, and my room was/is the core to my comfortable zone, it's alright to watch videos for about 30 minutes to an 1 hour but when that's all you do, there's a problem that needs to be fixed. How I slowly started getting out of my comfort zone was by by running, doing my self care on time, getting changed into clothes I would wear in public, hanging out with myself or friends, having faith in religion, and making a freaking website! I'm not telling you to screw it all and go naked in public (up to you, YOLO) but more to allow yourself day by day to take those teeny tiny baby steps into being comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

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