Loyalty | Teen Ink


December 2, 2020
By Escol650 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Escol650 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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       Loyalty is a term that most people don’t truly dive deep into, a term that people like to wade in the shallow side of. Have you ever thought about what it really means to be loyal to someone. Is loyalty believing every word they say, supporting them in everything they do, or doing what you think is best for them? Does loyalty have to be for a person or can you be loyal for an idea or a belief that you have based your entire life on? Loyalty is always being there to defend or support an idea, belief, or person that you care about. 

       A dog's inert nature and basic morals are to be loyal to their owner. What I mean by that is dogs are known as mans best friend for a reason. When it seems like you have your own personal rain cloud a dog will always be there to comfort you. He will always be there to defend you and you’re home from intruders. And he will always forgive you no matter how many times you mess up. There is no better example of true loyalty than a dog; once you earn their trust it’s almost impossible to lose it. 

       If you think about it, Loyalty and Faith go in hand in hand. Faith is believing in something that you aren’t able to see or touch but faith without action is dead. This is where faith and loyalty are able to connect in their definitions. Just as faith without works is dead, you can’t claim to be loyal to someone and have your own best interests at heart. It doesn’t take an act of betrayal to prove your disloyalty. You could never cheat on or betray your girlfriend but does that really make you loyal? Do you sincerely have their best interests at heart, or are you simply using them for the title of being in a relationship, or maybe even for another purpose? Loyalty needs to be shown through the way you act. You need to be willing to sacrifice about yourself for something in order to be loyal to it. 

       How loyal you are to something is evident upon how much you are willing to sacrifice for it. Although many people think selfishness is a bad trait displaying how greedy you are, selfishness is really just being more loyal to yourself than to other people. I think that this is where trust is broken, friendships are shattered, and tears are shed. When a person decides to be loyal for themselves they are automatically deemed to be selfish and greedy even when a lot of the time this isn’t the case. Furthermore everybody has to make certain big decisions in their lives and this is where it is most common for someone to be more loyal towards themselves. Even while making smaller life decisions people will choose to be loyal towards themselves however it is easier to be loyal for something else in this case because it won’t be nearly as consequential. Almost every decision that you make is showing where your loyalties lie. In fact it is very nearly impossible to be 100% loyal to a singular person, idea, or belief.

       This is because it is almost impossible to have every decision you make be for the sole benefit of one person or belief. You wouldn’t be able to slip up even once and do something for yourself.  In order to do this you would have to be perfect. No one on this Earth has been or ever will be perfect besides Jesus Christ. Every decision that Jesus Christ made was to accomplish the work of the lord.  This illustrates why he is the only one who will ever be able to be completely loyal to one thing. 

       You may say that you are absolutely loyal to one thing at a time but that thing you are loyal to will occasionally change. Although it is possible to be solely loyal to one thing for a period of time, but over the course of your life is when it becomes as clear as glass that it is impossible to only be loyal for one idea. This is because the world and the people living in it are always changing for better or for worse. Consequently we will be adapting to how the world around us is changing which will in turn affect our loyalties. It may be so small that it's unrecognizable but it will be there nevertheless. Loyalty works the exact same way, as your life changes so will your loyalties. 

        In my mind loyalty needs to be proven, whether that is done through the decisions you make or the time you spend. It is essential that you do something to illustrate who or what you are the most loyal to and this will help you to put the puzzle of your identity together. You can’t understand who you are or who you want to be without first understanding what you’re loyal to. This will help you to gain a deeper sense of who you really are and highlights the importance of loyalty. Loyalty is a part of every person that shows the extent to which you care about certain aspects in your life

The author's comments:

My name is Ethan Colton and I'm a junior at Sandra Day O'Connor high school. 

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