January 12, 2021
By raashid-123 BRONZE, Baramulla, Other
raashid-123 BRONZE, Baramulla, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Illogical logic


Logic, in the modern times logic has become the basic of understanding the things unlike in the past people used to believe anything because there was no such thing like logic at that time, but really it’s important to have logic because things having logic are easy to understand and reliable to believed, I used ‘usually’ word for the reason that sometimes being illogical also helps; Ill’ explain this later.

For me everything which happens has a logic behind and even illogical things also have this logic beneath the compulsion of being illogical.

But as I have realized things around me from the last four years I have literally seen people avoiding the basic concept of being logical and that is the cause why people are avoiding the healthy discussions, and that raises many alarming questions, do we really need logic because as we can see around the globe leaders are fighting for the power possession and money which I think is itself an illogical ideology, can somebody explain me the logic behind a war? No, it isn’t that easy yeah we can somehow explain the logic behind the war but it does not mean that logic will be logical.

Likewise war we have n number of things that needs a strong but we are literally failing to provide a strong logic behind those ideologues.

Can somebody explain me the logic behind the supremacy no supremacy is an ideology without logic how can someone with everything common in person can be superior to their counterpart, does this make any sense? And the sensible answer is no this does not make any sense, so things without sense can be categorised as illogical.

It isn’t only that we have some conservative or liberal ideologues in our society that culminates the said topic instead we people even after having this sense that is even having knowledge of the circumstances we ignore to act according to the situation and I define that state of logic as illogical logic. Like we know what can cause or possess threat to our environment but we ignore to act as a civilised person so as I have started the topic with the particular line that logic with discipline makes you a civilised person means something and that is there are many with logic but less with discipline so their logic is illogical because they lack the basic criteria of possessing the said logic.

We know law is there, we know court is there but we don’t believe in them and that blindness can lead us to the path of illogicalness, we know everything what’s good and what’s not but we just ignore and that ignorance can lead us towards illogicalness.

And sometimes we do know the logic and also we do understand it with discipline but we lack our confidence, like we know why relationships are important, we also know that the logic behind it is the principle of interdependence but we end up concluding ourselves ill-fated, lonely and many such things just because we lack confidence in our logic.

Sometimes we know the logic, we also know it’s important, we also have the confidence but we lack the art of using that logic and end’s up using that logic at wrong place or we can say our timing, the scene the relation of logic at that situation nothing is in our favour.

So at the end the reason behind writing this is we do know what logic means to our daily life but we ignore because we don’t to be civilised anymore and I am not particularizing any incident and I don’t even need to do so because we have illogicalness much more than we have a disciplined logic.

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