Murderers on Loose! | Teen Ink

Murderers on Loose!

May 11, 2021
By eaknoor2007 BRONZE, Seaford, Delaware
eaknoor2007 BRONZE, Seaford, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Murderers on Loose!

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. A literal definition of abortion is when two people make a mistake and make another human being who does not even have a voice yet pay for their mistake. People usually perform an abortion when they have gotten pregnant on accident and don’t want the baby, so they kill it in its early stages of development. Abortion only occurs when both of the parents are consensual about dropping the baby. People need to rethink the topic of abortion and truly consider eliminating abortion as an option because it is murder, psychological damage may occur to the mother, and the woman may experience side effects after she undergoes an abortion.

Abortion is murder! Many would oppose the statement that abortion is murder, but killing another human being is murder especially when they can’t fight back for their rights. As a human being, no one should be given the right to kill another human being. The federal government thinks that anyone who intentionally or attempts to kill an unborn child should face consequences because an unborn child is known as a “member of the species homo sapiens”. (Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, 2004) If people who murder others who are born and living in this world are called murderers and face the consequences for their actions then the people who kill their child before he or she could even fight for their right to live are worse than just murderers. They are cowards. They don't want to take responsibility for their actions. At least a person who kills another human being who is living does it face to face and knows that the person they're killing can at least fight back, but when a developing life's killed the life can't even fight back for their rights. Humans who are living face consequences when they frame someone for something they did not perform, so why shouldn't the parents of the fetus be framed and face consequences for performing a deed to hide the evidence of their doings. People have to live with their actions and face the results that come from their actions, so the parents of the child have to live with the result of their doings. The parents made the choice knowing that the outcome may be this, so they were aware of what the consequence their actions would bring, meaning that they knew what could happen and they still did it at their own risk and now they have to face the outcome instead of running away from it. Overall, abortion is murder, and another human being should not be given the authority to take someone’s life for their mistakes.

In addition to, abortion being murder a woman can have psychological effects after she undergoes an abortion. A mother in general feels terrible when her child gets hurt mentally or physically even knowing that it wasn’t her fault entirely, but she still feels like she has let her child down. She feels like she has failed as a mother, so imagine how it would feel to know that you killed your child before you even met him or her. Murderers, in general, can never walk past the fact that they have killed someone; it haunts them till death, so the mother of the fetus that was killed gets haunted by the fact that she is the reason why her child has died. In “Suicides after Pregnancy in Finland, 1987-94: Register Linkage Study” writes about how women who perform an abortion have a higher chance of depression and anxiety, but also have a higher chance of committing suicide. The amount of suicide committed after a woman undergoes an abortion is 3 times higher than when a woman generally commits suicide.(et al, 1996) What torments her is that she knows deep down that she is a murderer too, and is walking free outside in the world which her child would have been walking and accomplishing something. The mother realizes that she did not want to take responsibility for her actions and face the reality instead she just hid and ran from the truth. states a woman can see strong effects of the abortion within days with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, relationship problems, guilt, depression, flashbacks of abortion, suicidal thoughts, sexual dysfunction, alcohol, and drug abuse, and spiritual consequences. (Risks About Abortion, 2020) Hence, abortion has severe psychological damage on the mother.

Many health issues can occur after a woman undergoes an abortion whether it is by pills or surgery. Some serious risks come which only occur in less than 1 out of 100 early abortions and about 1 out of 50 later abortions such as damage to organs, breast cancer, heavy bleeding, infection, problems for future pregnancies, and many more. Some common side effects are abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, infection, and damage to organs. (Considering Abortion? Know The Fact, n.d.) Abortion can damage a women’s body system. She will already be going through a lot mentally, but the pain physically will keep on adding to her mental pain. Taking away one's life can lead to one life being taken away with more pain. When a woman performs an abortion then she is taking a risk that she and no one knows what the outcomes may be because everyone’s body is different and no one can clearly say that after they performed the procedure there wouldn’t be any severe effects. Therefore, abortion should be illegal because a woman can have severe health issues.

Those on the other side of the issue may say that abortion is a better option for parents if they are not ready to be parents. That is not the case. As we see a major alternative for the parents is to choose adoption over abortion, but many don’t seem to consider it. Many women would tend to kill their child than give them away to someone who will raise them and take proper care of them. This belief causes there to be more murders. “In 2014, only 18,000 children under the age of 2 were placed with adoption agencies. By comparison, there are about 1 million abortions each year.” American women tend to seek abortion first and if they can’t afford it or access one then they might consider adoption. (Khazan, 2019) A sociologist at the Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health research group of the University of California at San Francisco states “ ‘Women just generally aren’t interested in adoption as a reproductive choice,’... ‘It’s an extremely rare pregnancy decision.’ ”(Khazan, 2019) In writes about how everyone involved in the adoption has a better future because if the mother chooses the adoption to be an open adoption, a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other’s personal information and have an option of contact than she will be allowed to maintain a life-long connection with her child, but also give her child a chance to live a happy life. (Khazan, 2019) The mother could also choose legal adoption which permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the biological parent or parents to the adoptive parents. In abortion, another may regret her decision about killing her child, but in adoption, a mother doesn’t have to worry about that especially if she has chosen the abortion to be open. This is because she can meet her child whenever she wants and explain to her child why she kept him or her away from her. Hence, abortion is not the only option when a person comes to a situation like this in their life, they just need to know what door they want to use.

People need to rethink their options because it is murder, psychological damage may occur to the mother, and the woman may experience side effects after she undergoes an abortion. Abortion should not occur it causes people to become murderers and think it is absolutely fine to kill another life because they haven’t stepped a foot into this world and talked back for their rights. Little they have forgotten that there are people who will talk for them. Let's talk and stand up against these murderers. We have to eliminate abortion as an option for our better future. We don't want future generations to believe that we run away from our actions and don’t take responsibility for what we have caused.  We’re much to blame as those murderers out there. We’re letting this happen right before our eyes and do not say anything. Let's stand up and use our voice in the right cause because the ones that don’t have it would appreciate having one and love having multiple. 

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