Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

September 29, 2021
By Anonymous

Isaac, meaning laughter, and Jax, meaning positivity were the names my parents were juggling with to name their new precious bundle of joy.  It had taken them all nine months to finally narrow it down between those two.  After all of their own home tests, they were ninety-nine percent certain they would be getting a boy and less than one percent certain they were getting a girl.  

On December 22 my parents were in the hospital room when I was brought into this world.  My parents, with their mouths hung wide open and eyes glued to me, held me securely.  My parents, absolutely wrong, had to come up with a new name.  My mother craved for a name that meant something similar to the previous ones.  My mother and father scoured the internet for hours and my parents finally found the one.  My name means nature of life, living, birds, and sound. 

As a child, I was always energetic, present in the moment, loud, and confident.  I always directed my friends and family when playing, was always active in my sports, and preferred playing with my friends than doing homework.  

Throughout my childhood, I had an imaginative mind.  My greatest wish was that I could fly.  I would always leap off tables and chairs, enjoying those small moments when I was in the air.  During the summer I would lay in the warm, green grass on sunny days and watch the birds flap their wings high up in the sky, wishing I could leap off the ground and join them.  

As I lay, my mother would join me on the ground and always ask, “What are you doing?”

“I’m watching the birds fly, I want to fly like them,” I would reply with a smile.

“You can, you can fly high like them in life.  When you grow up, you will soar just like them,” she said with a wink.  

Even as I grew up, not much has changed.  I take charge and direct my life, I prefer to be with friends and family overall, I am active in sports, and I like to live in the moment.  I still watch the birds, longing to be able to fly.  There are times where I am still looking up at the sky.  But, instead of imagining myself flying up in the sky, I am high up in the sky flapping my wings.  I have found my place with my school, friends, sports, family, and in my life.  I am able to fly successfully in life, just like a bird. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my name and how it influenced me as I grew up.  

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