Long Legacy | Teen Ink

Long Legacy

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Boom! Legacy. I want to be remembered by my legacy. I want people to know the legacy of my childhood, and how it is different from a lot of other people. I want to be remembered for my relationships with family and friends, how close and helpful I am to them. A legacy of being the someone thats always helpful and polite, to be there if my friends are going through something and need someone to talk to. My relationships are like a lock locked on a bridge.Also being able to have other people remember my maturity and acknowledge that I was exceptionally different from other people. My heart in relationships jumps over the moon with love.

In the future I hope to have a legacy as a successful man in my respected job. Also, to have a legacy that my children will remember their whole life. Being the best dad, helping them when they need, always showing love, and just overall being supportive. I hope people see my legacy because it’s something that I will be proud of and hope that others know that anyone can have success, even with life being different from everyone else.

The author's comments:

This piece shows my legacy and how I want to be remebered

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