Siblings | Teen Ink


April 18, 2022
By aamjad GOLD, Getzville, New York
aamjad GOLD, Getzville, New York
11 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowledge won't come to you. You will only get knowledge if you learn and understand it"
(Ayesha Amjad)

Being the youngest might sound terrible. But it isn’t. Every range has pros and cons. Sometimes being the eldest is the best, while other times it’s not so bad. Having siblings might also sound like wow, but sometimes it’s also irritating. But in the end, it’s the best.

Being The Eldest

Being the eldest means you're the eldest child. When you’re the eldest, you lead the path to your younger siblings. So they can learn from you and follow the same path to success. Your younger siblings will look up to you, and ask for your help. You need to be a role model for them.

The pros for being the eldest are well, you kinda get to boss your youngsters around. You get almost the same amount of respect your parents get from your siblings. You got most things first. You are the first child. Your parents will use you sometimes as the babysitter. Your parents might tell you to help your siblings with their homework, or projects, because either they don’t know how to do it, or they don’t have time. Usually, the eldest children are always disciplined. Your siblings will try and copy most of the things you do. Sometimes it’s annoying. Other times it isn’t. For the most part, you don’t have, hand-me-downs. If you ever do, it might come from your mother. But usually, you get more new clothes than your siblings. You get your own room. You are lucky because when you were born, you had your parents to yourself, you didn’t have to share. You also get more responsibility as you get older, which sometimes is difficult, but mostly exciting.

The cons are you sometimes get blamed for your sibling’s mistakes. You sometimes have to deal with them on your own. They irritate you. You have to help them. You have to share some things you don’t. You sometimes get the phrase “You should know better”. You have more expectations. Sometimes these expectations can annoy you or stress you out.


Being The Middle Child

Being the middle child means that you’re neither the eldest nor the youngest. But you’re still older and still younger. When you’re the middle child you look up to your elder sibling, to learn and be like them. 


The pros of being the middle child are, that you get to be younger around your elder siblings so you’re loved. When you’re the middle child you can also be older. You can be older than your siblings that are younger than you. You can kind of boss them around. Another thing is that you don’t have to do as many chores as your elder siblings do. You also get handed down beautiful dresses that your elder sibling had. Or clothing you really wanted from them.

The cons are you get hand-me-downs which aren’t the best things you could have. You don’t get so much attention unless you make some big deal. 


Being The Youngest

Being the youngest really means that you’re the youngest out of all your other siblings. 

Pros are that you get the most attention, you don’t get as many chores, you get to play more, you’re more loved and you could go on and on.

Cons are that you get hand-me-downs, you get into more trouble, you might be teased by your siblings, and there’s more.


Having siblings is great, all you have to do is act the right way and things will be great for everyone.

The author's comments:

My name is Ayesha. This article is very informative whether or not you have siblings. I hope you enjoy it!

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