Universal healthcare | Teen Ink

Universal healthcare

May 2, 2022
By Winter06 BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
Winter06 BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was younger my family members would always be working either in the factories or on farms. There have always been days when something goes wrong at some point in the day. At one point my grandma ended up getting her foot run over by a forklift and needed to go to the emergency room. Her work was really pushing to make her go to the ER but in her words “The only reason I work here is to be able to eat, I don’t have the money to be going to the doctor.” So with that, she left work to come home. Once she got back after driving herself home with her injured foot she went to walk up the stairs to her room but ended up falling down. After that happened my dad made the choice to take her in no matter what she said. We went in and she got x-rays done and ended up breaking all her toes and half of the other bones in her foot after that she needed surgery but tried to refuse but that didn't work. The main reason that my grandma was so worried about going to the doctor was only due to the money, But when it came to it it was way more than what we even thought that it would be and this caused us to have to move out of our house and into a smaller home. To think that this was all due to how much medical care costs is deranged. Many people in the United States think like this due to the lack of some things that they may not have but others do. How would everyone go about getting help when they don't have the money or the ambition due to being sick for a long amount of time. I think that looking into the facts about how we could make this work for ourselves and others who may need it to help them get to where they wish they could get to. Some of the things to look at would be how we get started, what some of the benefits may be, and what to do when we have the system set up.

The first thing that I think is a reason why we haven't made the switch. This may be the fact that we don't know what would happen if we started to switch to a universal health care system and how this may affect the people in the community. Some people think that this is a great idea and some think that it's not too great of an idea due to the fact of who it would be helping more. Most think that doing this will only help the lower class people but this could help people in many ways whether in the finance spectrum or in just needing help. According to Beth Daley a writer for the news site The Conversation on October 25, 2020, she writes “the reason America lacks universal health coverage and the 2016 candidates have avoided the topic altogether is that America’s political institutions make it difficult for massive entitlement programs to be enacted.” so this also plays a big role in some of the decisions that get made about this topic. When I first started looking into why we don't already have universal health care I really did not expect the vast majority to be because of politics, Yes I didn't expect there to be some but this is way more than what I thought that it would end up being. When looking into this topic I discovered that many people who used to be in a lower class and now are either in a middle or upper class really would like to have this healthcare available to others, Because I believe it is due to the facts that they know what it is like to be struggling a little more then others and I think that they just want to help as many people that they can. In the end, there are so many people who think otherwise. Others may think that when using this healthcare system that it should be based on wages and how much people make in a year. When thinking about this there may be some problems but it may also be good.

Secondly, One thing that has been brought up as a concern in some conversations according to the Economic policy institute on March 5th, 2021 written Josh Bivens said “Fundamental health reform like “Medicare for All'' would be a hugely ambitious policy undertaking with profound effects” In some cases, this may be a good or bad thing depending on how it all goes in the end, But when people try to think like the person they are talking to this may help them understand why they would do it this way. At first, when I started to look into how this would work if we would be based on wages I asked myself what would others think about this, Would this be harmful or helpful to them. Then I started looking into the facts and the research about it and I looked and looked but in the end, there isn't too much about how others just talk about and look at the facts about how the big political people feel about it. Later on, I went and talked to some people about what they would think if we either were to use wages to charge for medical care or to do full universal healthcare and I continued to get the same answer “How would that work?’ and also I had one younger lady ask “What if there were to be a full-time stay at home mom? How would I pay for the doctor's bill?”. I have never thought about it like that because I didn't have the need to and I think that this is the way that many people think and just don't notice that they do. So therefore when I think about healthcare, Basing it on wages and seeing how people work would in some situations not be a good thing to do to some of the controversies that it would cause for the lower class people in the country would end not in the greatest sight that we would want it to. One of the other ways that people think is “What are we gonna do when we have this kind of healthcare?”

Lastly, There are many ways to go about using new healthcare systems. One of these ways is letting the people in the community know what is going on and what the company would like to do to the place and how they would achieve the goals that they would have for the business. When people start to think about how they can accomplish something very efficiently it's because the main way to start a business is to set goals as soon as you can, Therefore you know what you are supposed to be working towards. When thinking about these goals that have been set prior to this they are one of the most important things. In the end, if we were to get this healthcare system I think that it would help and benefit many people and help them get to the point of life where this will help them in the long run. Later on, in this lifetime I strongly believe that using this kind of a system will help out a lot of the community and the way that people look at places that have a higher rate of deaths and people living on the streets, But sadly to some, this is not what they want some may think that there should always be a difference between higher class and lower class but I think that this should not be a concern for people who may be on the lower spectrum of the world. I would also like to look at the way that this may change the way that the world may act, And what I mean by this is that some people may try to take advantage of what we would offer. By that statement, I mean that some people who may be “addicts” per se may try to use this system to help feed their addiction and they may continue to do this if the workers in the clinics and the hospitals don’t keep track of what is going to whom and how much.

So in conclusion I think that based on my opinion and the research that I have done throughout this project that using the universal healthcare system would be a very good asset to the United States or just one singular state to start out with. I get that others will have a different perspective about this topic but these are the reasons I think that it would be a good idea to have in the later life of the world, These reasons that I have previously stated would consist of how we could get started in an efficient way, How we would go about the benefits and how we could do to get it set up and ready for the community to use. I get that there are many good and bad things about this but I would strongly encourage you to look into the things that the individual reading this may think are good and bad to see what it all entails in the process of creating this world for the better. Some may think that this process would take a very long time to complete and yes it would but in the end, I believe that it would be worth the wait due to the fact that you would be able to see the world change drastically due to some of the choices made. I also think that when it comes to people who may try to take this to their advantage and use the system to get away with things I would just like to add that there are many ways and things that we can do to prevent this from happening, Some of these things would be keeping strong track of files of patients and what they have been given to them and the care that they have been provided with. So this is what I think and this is something that I hope that you will try to think about even if it's just while reading this, But in the end, I hope that we can try to get this started and see where this may take us in the future. I would really appreciate it if this may have sparked a thought to remind me about how this could happen, And next time someone thinks they may be in need just think about how this may be one of the many things that could help them in the long run.

The author's comments:

this piece talks about what I think that we may consider in future life.

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