Prospects of Living in Arkansas | Teen Ink

Prospects of Living in Arkansas

September 26, 2022
By Anonymous

When living in Arkansas if she's your sister you're her mister.
If you have a gun, shoot it off for fun.
If you start a fight, show off your drunken might.
If you live in a house don't go unannounced
If life gets old, drink beer till you get bold.
And if you pop a tire, use it for a bonfire.
Now that's not all when it comes to living in Arkansas, as an Arkansans you have even more
You can get some weapons to add to your collection.
You can have some "fun" with the neighborhood hun.
You can muck around in your portable towns.
And you can die young over drunken fun.
Arkansas is great their's nothing to hate.
You can have some fun as canser joins the fray.
You can reminisce about the high life as your kidneys rot away.
You can curse them out because heart disease is a reason to pout.
Now that might seem bad but this will help you out.
Arkansas is a right state so lefts must stay out
Many are patient as alcohol begins to amount.
But your life here is is like a tap not a spout.
You drink and you drink till your liver gives out.
The low cost of living is great on its own, But what about the life's those in its zone.
Arkansas is a place where freedom is true, No man can take your 2nd amendment rights away
from you.
If this don't convince you I don't know what will.
The rate of disease will give you a thrill. Arkansas is a place full of life, Oh and be sure to get
along with your neighbors wife.

The author's comments:

I'm an artist trying to find passion in writing.

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