Rhetorical Analysis Creative Assessment | Teen Ink

Rhetorical Analysis Creative Assessment

September 19, 2023
By Anonymous

Dear Elsa,  
It’s been really hard for me to confront you about my thoughts and feelings, but I thought it was important to discuss them. Especially with you freezing my heart and almost letting Hans take control and kill the both of us it has been really difficult. I understand you have a lot of responsibilities being who you are, but I thought we could communicate it out. We’ve always been there for each other, and we can’t let go now. I really hope we can find a way to solve everything Elsa and you know I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Considering that even when you froze my heart and I began to weaken I still ran to save you after Hans tried to take over you. I understand that you can’t always make everyone happy, but I guess we just won’t ever be able to feel and have the same connection we used to, I hope you are happy with what you’ve done. Although I love you, it’s almost as if you’re choosing your powers over our bond which makes me rethink my love for you. I hope you realize the mistake you are making, and even though I could be part of the reason why we’ve been separated, it is your fault for pushing me away. Because you are so uncaring to watch over your people, I’ve decided to take over Arendelle to make it what it is today. You think you are in full control of ruining my work, but you are also unaware of the potential I have and what I can do. That’s why you decided to leave, thinking you were going to come back and put us all through misery, which is the least of my concerns because I am informed of your power, and I found a way to overcome it and become more powerful. With the help of my people of Arendelle we found a way to make this kingdom a dream come true without you. Sorry Elsa, but your isolation of Arendelle has been a favor for both the people of Arendelle and I. I hope you are at ease with your selfishness decision of yours to flee to the wilderness.  

The author's comments:

This is a piece of writing I wrote on making Anna from Frozen 1 and 2 a villain. Manipulating Elsa. 

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