Heads Or Tails | Teen Ink

Heads Or Tails

January 19, 2010
By BleedingRose PLATINUM, Frederic, Wisconsin
BleedingRose PLATINUM, Frederic, Wisconsin
33 articles 1 photo 378 comments

Favorite Quote:
*The darkness holds infinite possibilities.


Sometimes I like to think the world is a giant coin, waiting to see how it will land. Forever spinning and flipping after God threw us up, waiting to determine heads or tails. Sometimes heads would show, goodness and love, a time when the world pulled together and acted as one, when a brighter light could be seen. This would be when you walk outside on a warm night and stop for a moment, or maybe a few minutes, to see all heaven's stars winking down at you. This is when you see a painting, maybe not famous, but something so soul-capturing it captivates you for at least a moment. This is when you walk past someone, a stranger, and you look in their eyes for a moment, only to see they were already looking at you. But not in a creepy way, in a warm, curious way. When the world is heads, for just a brief glimpse before it flips, these are the moments where you find a good-luck penny, help a neighbor, smile for no reason at all, or maybe hear a song you fall in love with. But of course, things change, and the world will show you tails sometimes. This is when Haiti colapses in a an earthquake, knowing times of despair lie ahead. Tails is for when tears for the fallen slide down your cheeks, knowing they're gone for good, and not always knowing where. Maybe it's times like these when your car breaks down, when you trip at school, or accidently delete all the pictures on you memory card, holding precious memories in a freeze-frame of a remembered moment. You could be hurt, alone, lost, and sad, standing in what seems like a forever downpour. Chins down in the rain, thunder too bold and lightning to reminding and painful. We'll stand in a corner or scream in the middle of the street at times like these. But it's also times like these you'll grow and learn. Because then the coin will turn over again, as it will always, and the clouds will move away. Sun peaks down, and makes blossoms of the muddy past. These are times when you laugh and grab the hands of your beloved ones, dance in a circle and not be ashamed. Read a good book, tell a joke, kiss your special someone, or maybe just go nuts. Eat ice-cream, throw a party! Of course, as we know now, the tails will come again. But now, we have grown. Gotten stronger in periods of rain, and developed in moments of sunshine. So when tails comes again, we will know not to hide in the rain, but to dance. To pull together with all that you've got and help up others off the ground. Spin in the storm and try to catch those crystal liquid drops on you tongue. And know the days of sunshine will come for you, and shine down on all.

The author's comments:
I just thought I'd put this out there for everyone, though I didn't know what category would be best. If you don't like this, please tell me why! I would love to hear your opnion. And yes, there will most likely be typos!

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