Gum chewing | Teen Ink

Gum chewing

April 16, 2010
By Anonymous

oday I noticed something to day it was just one of those moments my mind was wandering and I was thinking all sorts of thing but to day I realized Life is like chewing a piece of gum... Haha I know not what you expected right? But if you think about it totally true I mean at first life is so full of flavor your experiencing something new and different and you keep chewing and chewing and chewing and it keeps going on and on. But with each chew your life loses a little flavor and you start to firgue things out and as you keep chewing your jaw starts to hurt and it gets harder and harder to chew and then all the sudden the gum is old no more surprises your just chewing on rubber but for some odd reason you don’t spit it out quite yet you keep chewing... But then it’s just withers away and then you throw it away and your jaw starts to feel better and you no longer have to taste the bitterness of oldness from the flavorless gum and then you grab another piece and start chewing...

The author's comments:
This is something that I thought was a but wired when i was in english class I kept thinking about it then my english teacher yelled at me and I snapped out of my little Epifney.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Apr. 25 2010 at 7:39 pm
Lanna8o9 BRONZE, Medina, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
We can do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it<br /> ~Anonymous

Well then! I disagree a bit, but maybe that's just because it seemed like a depressing way to look at things to me... just keep living until you're tired of it? I dunno... it's a really good theory/comparison, though!

on Apr. 25 2010 at 1:29 pm
Lost-In-Life GOLD, Whitby, Other
11 articles 0 photos 299 comments

Favorite Quote:
It&#039;s never to late, if it weren&#039;t for the last minute many things would never get done!

To me I disagree with this piece. I guess it depends on how you look at things, but I don't get bored, or tired of life!

on Apr. 24 2010 at 2:37 pm
Shannon_Bananon, Loveland, Ohio
0 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
About talking; why don&#039;t people ever think before they talk? It would save so much trouble; it would also save me from wanting to slap about half of the world&#039;s population.<br /> ~Fictional Character (Brilliant, but, sadly, fake.)

I'm... unsure what you mean. Could you, I don't know, elaborate? Maybe brush up the grammer too?