Teen Suicide | Teen Ink

Teen Suicide

April 23, 2010
By Anonymous

I know how some people when they think of committing suicide. I have been there. You think no one loves you and think you are alone in the world. That's not true! If you think about it, everyone around you loves you. You're friends, family, all love you. You think this out of emotion, think this out of pain. I have been through it all.

It was just last year. I did somethings I regret to this day. I had been depressed parents trying to gain custody of me knowing I didn't want to go with either of them. I turned to guys for love and compassion even though I knew it was fake. I got in trouble that day by my grandmother because she found out something. I took some pills that only made me hyper. I got home and tried to cut my wrists even though I didn't bleed much. I even tried drowing.

The next day I talked to someone I really trusted, my teacher. I mean it was like everything I had in me was let out. I felt different about suicide. I knew i had to let my feelings out and get someone else's view on the subject.

All I am trying to say is before you think about killing yourself, talk to someone. I talked to someone and I didn't even feel the same way. You can talk to me but talk to someone you really trust. I understand if you're in pain and you don't want to deal with it. God puts things in your life to help make you a better person and stronger. You can do it just take a breather and think before you want to kill yourself.

Also, a diary works if you can't trust anyone. Right in your diary, tell everything on your mind.

The author's comments:
Just think before you do.

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