date rape awareness | Teen Ink

date rape awareness

April 6, 2011
By jsanchez5360 BRONZE, Colorado
jsanchez5360 BRONZE, Colorado
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A lot of people get raped around the world every day. People don’t know that they could be the next victim of date rape.theres a lot of information people don’t know about date rape. With this information on hand people can prevent date rape.

To begin, People should know who commits the crime. Most of the people who commit the crime of date rape know the person that they are raping. A survey says 67% of date rape victims get raped by people that they know such as friends, a date, or even a husband.(date rape tamra orr pg.5) when a person is raped on a date it is more difficult mentally and physical because the rapist is someone the victim trusted enough to go out with.84% of woman who are raped know the assailant,57% of rapes occur on a date, 75% of males and 55% of females involved in the rape have been drinking alcohol and/or doing drugs?.

These are some ways you could try to prevent date rape, one way you could prevent date rape is to protect your drink, most victims are drugged like this. Another way you could prevent date rape is having a group of friends that never leave each other behind when you’re in a party or something like that. Also meet dates in public places such as bars ect…don’t bring your date to your house and don’t go to their house either unless you really know the person or is going with a friend. Another thing you should do is drive yourself to dates and NEVER get inside a dates car that you don’t know that well. And always maintain contact, let someone know where your going, where your going to be, with who your going to be also include the full name of the date and give the person your phone number .tell the person to call you at a serting time so she knows where you are and know your much safer and you know that someone is looking over you. Most important thing is avoid drug and alcohol abuse, it damages your decision making abilities.

Date rape is preventable. Knowing who commits the crime also protecting oneself on dates and taking care when you use drugs and alcohol those are some ways you can prevent date rape.

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