ignorance | Teen Ink


May 1, 2013
By Colin Roy BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
Colin Roy BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In most cases, ignorance about the outside world in the United States is due to the limited global vision of its people. Due to the blatantly violent nature of the American peoples and their blind nature of thinking that they are the center of the world. Following this nature, this is most likely the main cause of why most American’s are hundreds of dollars in debt. This is also the possible reason why America as a country is extremely in debt to almost every country as America doesn’t export anything except for possible fire, the design of which comes from different countries.

The United States of America compares almost identically to the Roman Empire. How so? America is today’s super power in military force, just as Rome was. However, it is inevitable that history will repeat itself and the higher-ups of this country will act just as those of Rome and this will cause the collapse of the American “empire”. The problem of being so powerful is that America becomes a bully in a sense. It thinks that it owns everything and can do what it wants without the fear of repercussion. Once 9/11 happened, it really opened America’s eyes that not every country on the planet likes America and wants to be like them. Yes, America has helped a lot with freeing oppressed countries, but they have also hurt some as well such as Ecuador, just as Rome did with its conquered peoples. America is already seen in a bad light by the rest of the world, and getting into more and more wars because of natural resources and saying it’s in the name of “freedom” isn’t helping that image. A prime example of this is Iraq. We asked them for oil because America uses a good chunk of the world’s oil resources, with a total of 6.87 billion barrels in 2011 coming to about 22% of the world’s total oil consumption (Energy Information Administration). When Iraq said no, we invaded saying that they had WMD’s and terrorism and we were “helping liberate them”. However, all that’s happened is turn Iraq into a barren battleground filled with bodies of soldiers and civilians alike. Because of this, America has painted a large target on its back.
I have heard people say that we as America don’t need say China or the Middle East or any other country. What they don’t realize however is how much that America relies on imports. The United States makes up roughly 4% of the world’s population, and makes up almost a fourth of the world’s economy, 23% to be exact (Noreen Power point). With these statistics, it is viable to conclude that America imports and relies too heavily on other countries making what they need such as cars, appliances, clothes, and electronics. This makes it compare closely to the British Empire in the early 1800’s. In the beginning stages, Britain imported other countries goods then started to create its own goods. America has done the same. The only problem with this is that America has stopped producing and is relying more on imports. Without exporting anything, America has no income. This, along with the ridiculous amount of spending participated in by its citizens and the reluctance to pay back any loans with the spending of that money, will unavoidably drive America into the ground. With this happening the U.S. dollar with amount to almost nothing and proceed to, once again, drive the country into another depression, the most recent recession being in 2007.
As much as America thinks it owns the world…it doesn’t. It compares closely to Ancient China around the time of around 215 B.C. where China was the world power and militant force, however they never expanded to other countries. This is why, inevitably, it collapsed. As you probably know, America hasn’t really expanded anywhere except within itself. It doesn’t export goods, which can’t be stressed enough. Most of all, it has trillions of dollars in debt which China has paid off, which still makes the United States in debt, just to one country and not to several. This is still a severe issue as the United States shouldn’t be in debt in the first place. It’s all because the banks loaned out too much money and weren’t strict enough on the collection policy.
So what is this trying to prove? That the people in the United States are ignorant, plainly because of the fact that they know nothing of the outside world and how it affects them. This is leading them towards another depression. Look what happened the last time. However, it’s not the citizens of the United States, but the higher ups as well; the ones that are running this country. By the actions of the higher ups, this country has fallen from its previous glory as “the land of opportunity”. Now, because of its debt and arguments and war, it’s seen in a totally different light, that of ignorance and power hungry.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely - John Dalberg-Acton

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