Time fir a Change | Teen Ink

Time fir a Change

May 6, 2013
By chrisleyva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
chrisleyva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May 3, 2013
Time for a Change
In today’s economy, I a fellow citizen have to drive pass or walk by the homeless asking for donations and when they ask me I feel guilty having nothing to give to them to satisfy their hunger and thirst for survival. It also sickens me to see people only giving their bare minimum of donations to the homeless when they know they have more to offer to these people. They don’t realize how degrading these people feel to have to beg for money it makes them feel inhuman. Being homeless changes who someone is as a person, it takes away the pride within a person, it makes the things in life seem so precious such as having a cellphone or even a bed to sleep on. Everything becomes clearer in life it makes somebody realize what they have taken for granted. I always put myself in their shoes or image my father out there not knowing when he will have his next meal. Homelessness is a growing factor in the United States and step need to be taken to make a change.
Homelessness and hunger in America has been a problem that is leading the United States in the wrong direction, this problem is not just affecting strangers, but also family and friends. The hungry and homeless population is growing in the U.S, Studies by the National Coalition for the Homeless states that there are around 700, 000 to 2.5 million homeless people in America. In today’s market more and more citizens are experiencing homelessness, and the HomelessWorldCup shows that 3.5 million people will experience being homeless within the next year and that 49 million people suffer from food insecurity leaving 16.7 million children food insecure. These issues are cause by poverty and politics, the United States produces enough food to feed everyone in the country and have the resources to distribute the food widely however, the people can’t afford food and programs aren’t enough to connect the gap in
between. However homelessness is caused by multiple issues such as job replacements to people overseas and lack of affordable housing, a gap between wage earning and housing cost is growing leaving millions unable to make ends meet which is having people getting kicked to the streets. Also Low income and minimum wages make it difficult for workers to afford food and shelter. Lack of affordable medical care also is an issue having cost of healthcare and insurance rise drastically over the past years. Though economic factors are the main causes of homelessness, long term issues such as mental illness, drug addictions and alcoholism need to be accounted for, it puts the people at a greater risk of being homeless if these factors are met. Solutions’ for a greater country are needed in order to turn this country around.
There have been steps taken to help the homeless live an easier life for example, homeless shelters, sure it puts roof over their head, its only temporary it doesn’t help in the long run it will not have struggling people get anywhere. Another solution practiced today is soup kitchens, they are great to feed the hungry to prevent them from starving to death, but soup kitchens come and go they are not a constant. The people cannot rely on soup kitchens on a day to day basis they would eventually have to find another food supply. Donations are being done also such as giving cash to the homeless however the money being received by the homeless may not be going to proper use or enough money is received to make a difference though it possibly would help feed them for the day or help the homeless receive transportation. These solution are great for temporary issues, but not effective in making a difference it is not reducing the homelessness population or preventing it. The problem can only be solved at the root of all this, the government needs to step in and make an impact.
The only way to solve or a least reduce homelessness and hunger in America is to go straight to the government. Solutions need to be set by the government by asking them to have them devote their

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resources and expertise to programs that make housing and healthcare more affordable, food assistance more accessible, increase on American wages and less job shipment overseas. These solutions can make an impact on hunger and prevention of homelessness, however to reduce homelessness already present other steps need to be taken to solve the issue. Such as permanent housing and programs to get the people in need back on their feet for example providing employment and education. Providing education to the homeless will help them receive a higher chance on receiving employment, these programs would be funded by the government meaning it will also create more job opportunities to teachers and others in need. These solutions will not just help the people in need, but the country as a whole, it will create a stronger workforce and economy by having more money flow through spending, it’s an investment that needs to be made, it can potentially create more jobs and new businesses. These solution are a necessity to solve homelessness and hunger in the United States.
As a fellow citizen in America it upsets me to see the homeless and hungry in need and nothing is being done to make a difference in their life. This issue is not getting better anytime soon with the help that is being used today, the United States need to make a different approach to solve the growing controversy. Possible steps that need to be taken are permanent housings, increase on wages, lower cost on healthcare and housing. These solutions only can be done with the governments lending hand the people need to demand and sign petitions to make a change in America.

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