When Bullying Consumes You | Teen Ink

When Bullying Consumes You

October 10, 2013
By Loophole BRONZE, Beirut, Other
Loophole BRONZE, Beirut, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. "- William Ernest Henley

Bullying. It happens every single day, in schools and on the Internet. Can't you see? It's here with us, everywhere. And instead of standing up for others, instead of being there for them, you take it upon yourselves to tear others down. And for what? Friends? Jealousy? Popularity?
Whether it's gossiping in the halls, making fun of someone on the Internet or pushing them around, you all do it. You do it everyday.
But all you bullies out there, do you know what your words and acts can do to a person? Do you have the slightest idea?

Well, here is the answer:
It eats away at you in every waking minute. At first, you wonder why everyone hates you so much and try to fight the cruel words they say. Eventually, you lose the voice in your head that tells you they are wrong. All you know is that they all hate you, and you now hate yourself too. Looking at yourself in the mirror becomes torture, and waking up every morning turns into a nightmare. You feel completely alone and start blaming yourself for what they say you are. And without realizing it, you slowly start slipping into the darkness that makes you fall over the edge.

It sickens me how you push others so far over the edge that they feel like they have no way out. People around you are so broken, are so damaged because of a word you said, because of a "joke" you made.
It sickens me how you can build your popularity on another person's destruction.

You should never forget that what you say matters, and you might be that one person who pushes others over the edge or that one person who stands up for them and shows them it'll be okay.
So I have a question for you: Who do YOU want to be when the time comes?

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