our government and the issues blamed | Teen Ink

our government and the issues blamed

December 7, 2013
By jdc2014 BRONZE, Shoals, Indiana
jdc2014 BRONZE, Shoals, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sure you have all been talking about it Obama care, health care law , affordable care act . Well, I'm here to express the things nobody ever thinks about before judging . Obama our president made this for everyone to get the health insurance , if you remember in social studies it talks about compromise, thats what obama had to do in order to make this available. Everyone also forgets that I order for a bill to become law it has to be approved . The affordable care act was not vetoed meaning it wasn't over thrown on power by the president . The next thing is both parties have to approve anything that becomes law not just presidemt blaim. Now think of this I had cancer in the 4th grade , ifI didn't already have insurance I would have been automatically disqualifyed . This law makes it for every person to have health care . My medical bills ranged over 1 million dollars at the end and if I didn't have insurance before I was diagnosed , well that would be out of pocket debt., thats alot of money . Just remember don't always blame one person theres more than one running the government and that the president isn't alone on proposals.

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