Careers in Need | Teen Ink

Careers in Need

February 14, 2014
By Andrei BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Andrei BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I love your magazines, they really seem to express teens feelings. Also they really seem to have the same thoughts as me when I'm in a difficult situation. There is a way to improve your magazine though.
The way to improve your magazines is to add more career articles. The reason for that is only 14 to 18 teens can start working but not for long they can only work for 3 hours a day. Teens need to learn more about how tough it can be working at a restaurant or a store, so they will be prepared for the tough situations. Or some kids just want to know about which jobs may be in their interesting to them. They also would like to know if the jobs pay well so, or they want to know which jobs will be at their skill level.
Please add more information about jobs to help teens in the future. Teen Ink, keep up the fabulous job, and hope you add more career articles.

Sincerely, Andrei H.

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