Teen ink | Teen Ink

Teen ink

February 14, 2014
By lj burton BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lj burton BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

Wow! I love all of the stories in Teen Ink and all of the stories in Teen Ink inspire me. The one that inspires me the most in Teen Ink is the gaming addiction section. Teen Ink shows everything that has happen in their life and it is great, but I have a suggestion that will make your stories way better. These stories will be examples of what people know what not to do in life.
Teen Ink, I think that you guys should add more reading sections about gaming addiction, the stories are so good, and those stories will make Teen Ink way better, and a lot of teens like to play video games and because it entertains them. If more gaming addiction stories were in Teen Ink a lot more people would love to read Teen ink. The stories about gaming addiction inspires me and what I love about the stories are that they tell us thing that happened in their life with gaming problems and the way they have to solve their problems.
Teen Ink I know you have done a fantastic job on these stories about gaming. Teen Ink if you take my advice it will help more people in life about what to do when you are addicted with a game.



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