what is socialy acceptable? | Teen Ink

what is socialy acceptable?

February 17, 2014
By merritt_bjork BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
merritt_bjork BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.
Dr. Seuss

Us girls from a young age we have been told what we can and can't wear. Aren't you tired of being told what socially acceptable, and who are making these rules? We are people and do you really want to look like a Barbie? From a young age we have had this image in our head of what we should look like and if you don't dress like that we get labeled. Someone please explain to me how that is fair! Being punished for being your own person now that's not fair. We are told to be our self's but when we are we get made fun of or bullied. If we don't cake make up on are face, keep a skinny body, and if we don't wear the coolest cloths than why do we even try. I am done being told what is ok and what's not ok. I am done being told by this mystery person what's socials acceptable. Lets make are own rules where there are no rules where we can be are self and we don't have a status quo to live up to. Now that's a place I want to live in.

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