Different Perspectives | Teen Ink

Different Perspectives

April 20, 2014
By dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Different Perspectives

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality and instead of thinking how things may be to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson wrote this quote to explain that traveling is about learning something by a journey to a new culture and learning about life in a different perspective. When traveling in the world, culture, things to do, and attractions about the place are important things to know.

Culture is a very important thing to know when traveling because culture is the denominator of peoples patterns. It says a lot about a person's characteristics and personality. The way that Carioca's (natives of Rio) dress is very similar to the United States, they generally dress casual and comfortable. Food in Rio, they eat a lot of homemade cuisines, which consists of brazilian food. The people of Rio either get transportation from taxis, taxis are very cheap in Rio, or they walk because, it is much safer and cars don’t stop for red lights or for pedestrians. Cariocas have an uncommon way of greeting each other compared to the United States. A woman to a man, a woman to a woman, and a man to a woman all give two kisses on their cheek, right cheek first. A man greets a man by giving a firm handshake and a few brisk pats on the back. The climate in Rio is hot for the majority of the year, but between December and March, it rains frequently. Not only is the culture extremely important to know but it would be nice to know what to do when you're there like maybe go to a beach.

Sports in Rio are normally focused on the beach. In Rio, football is actually soccer, just like in Spain. Many Cariocas go surfing on the ocean to have fun and cool off in Rio’s hot weather. Another way to cool off is to go body boarding which is basically the same as surfing but laying down on the board instead of standing on it. Other activities that they do are beach volleyball, beach football (soccer for americans), and Fresco ball. Fresco ball is where two people don't act as opponents but instead as partners. They each have one paddle and they try not to let the tennis ball hit the ground, its all about teamwork. The point of the game is to support their partner rather than trying to score and win. Not only do Cariocas play activities on the beach but they play games and sports off the beach as well like riding bike, running, or walking the sidewalks through Rio. Since Rio has such a beach culture, they have to keep their bodies in prime condition.
To stay in shape, Cariocas visit fitness centers frequently. Another good physical activity is to go hiking/climbing and for thrill seekers there is hang gliding. Golfing is not a very popular sport in Rio so there are not many options to do this activity. The most popular sport in Rio would be football, of course, because they produce some of the best football players in the world. Rio’s soccer team has five World Cup Championships, more than any other country. During the world cup competition, on Brazil game days, it is considered an informal holiday and in some part of the city most Cariocas are in front of the television watching. The city of Rio holds the most famous stadium in all of the world known as the Maracana.

Not only is surfing an activity for Cariocas but it is also an attraction for people that don't live in Rio as well. There are many places to surf in Rio like off of the beaches of Prainha, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Praia Vermelha. Not only do people like to surf in Rio but they also like to visit dense rainforests like Tijunca’s Lush. Tijunca’s Lush is the most popular rainforest in all of Rio De Janeiro. Rio is most popular for its statue of Christ the Redeemer. Another attraction that many people visit is Sugarloaf Mountain. Sugarloaf Mountain is located at the peak situated in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, at the mouth of Guanabara Bay on a peninsula protruding into the Atlantic ocean. It rises 396 meters (1,299 feet) above the harbor. Also it’s name is said to refer to its resemblance to the traditional shape of concentrated refined loaf sugar. The Botanical garden includes 6,500 species of plants, in which some are endangered.

When traveling in the world, culture, what cariocas do to stay entertained, and attractions about the place are important things to know. Traveling is about taking something out of taking a journey to a new culture and learning about life in a different perspective. Samuel Johnson wrote this quote, “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality and instead of thinking how things may be to see them as they are.” to explain what traveling is all about. If someone travels but doesn’t come back taking something out of where they just traveled to then there is no point in traveling at all. To travel is to enjoy life in a different perspective.

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