fight | Teen Ink


May 26, 2014
By christopher chapa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
christopher chapa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Fight ,Fight ,Fight”

Don’t you hate hearing these words? Because you have to stand up for your self. You ask your self shoulden’t bullying be a crime. The victims of bullying might commit suicide, and some might become bullies themselves.

I think that bullying should be a crime. The consequences for bullying should be, 1st a warning, than jubie for a week, than go talk to prisoners in jail. The reason they should talk to prisoners is that, if they keep bullying they will take it to far in the future and go to prison.

In the future when you stop bullying the past you did will stay in your criminal records. Example: The cops stop you D.U.I or just give you a fine, Or one night in prison. You should think about your consequences before you do something.

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