Dear Blackfish | Teen Ink

Dear Blackfish

May 30, 2014
By KimberlyWorley1 BRONZE, Browns Summit, North Carolina
KimberlyWorley1 BRONZE, Browns Summit, North Carolina
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I would like to start with I’m sorry. I am sorry those fishermen took you away from your mom. I am sorry they forced you into captivity where wild, majestic creatures such as yourself do not belong. I am sorry they starved you to “train” you. And most of all, I am sorry I was one of the many five year olds excited to watch you “preform”. You are beautiful. I know those monsters just want to show you off to the world, but it isn’t right. Whales have rights too. You have the right to live free in the ocean with your family without these horrible monsters bothering you. Your slumped over dorsal fin shows your sadness, your pain, your frustration. I see now why you killed those people; I would have done the same. Just know you are not alone. I am your friend, and will fight to the end to set you, and all the other animals in captivity free. Free to live your life. Free to be happy. Don’t give up. Sea World will go down.

Your Friend,

Kimberly Worley

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