Junk food | Teen Ink

Junk food

May 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Many people like junk food because it taste good, but people should not eat junk food because it causes them to be sick, gain weight, and have low energy.
Even though many people like junk food because it is taste, people can get very fat for eating junk because over eating, not having enough of healthy foods and poor diet and health issues.
Junk food is defined foods with little that are high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt. Junk foods can include breakfast cereals, chips, cookies, hamburgers, hot dogs, desserts, candy bars. Junk foods can trigger the brain to make you to eat more food.
Most junk food is quick to make. Junk food is also filling.
Food that is not good for your health because it contains high amounts of fat or sugar. Over eating, not having enough of the health foods, poor diet and health issues.
Obesity can cause diabetes and other diseases.
Junk food doesn’t have vitamins and minerals.
Many people like junk food because it taste good. Most junk food is quick to make. Junk food is also filling.
Even though junk food taste good and is filling, people should not eat a lot of it. Junk food is bad for you. It is unhealthy. Eating better food helps you live longer.

The author's comments:
My choice was junk food bescause everybody loves junk food. When you eat food that you like, and makes you want to eat more.

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