teenage life is difficult | Teen Ink

teenage life is difficult

July 1, 2014
By Anonymous

WHY IS TEENAGE LIFE DIFFICULT? Wiki answers tell me that it’s because we teens blow things out of proportion and are surrounded by a bucket load of other crazy teens with the same mindset. But is that all there is to it? Does it really just boil down to melodramatic teen ways and peer pressure. Sure peer pressure does affect us, but didn’t it already? At age 8 it was a new toy car or doll and now it is a bigger mobile or more allowance. Do we really blow things out of proportion? Probably but so do children and adults alike many a time. Or is it that our perspective has changed or the simplest explanation that entering this new phase of life we are simply confused? Do we really think the worlds against us or has the way we view the world changed? Is it so hard to accept that being a teenager doesn’t mean to rebel pointlessly but to come into your own and if rebelling is what helps or works for you then so be it.
in this stage in life we all carry the burden of high expectations and it doesn’t just have to be our peers .parental ,societal and the high expectations from school add to the confusion in our life. It certainly doesn’t help that the world has a very prejudiced view of us... because image matters. We are portrayed as antisocial, grumpy and impossible to get along with. Stemming from parental n peer pressure and a need to be popular to the average teen image matters most .Your image on a college application, your image among friends, society, parents is part of your identity.
one website tells me that being a teen isn’t hard and that if I study my way through it things will surely be looking up. Studies matter but can I use them to work through my life and issues .how does napoleon Bonaparte affect the fact that my best friend doesn’t talk to me anymore or any other matter in that case.hiding behind my studies isntgoing to help me deal with my problems.
And isn’t one of the biggest reasons the fact that we are born in this generation.a generation where everything has been magnified and simple isn’t the norm how are we supposed to survive. Our generation brought a lot of good things, things i can’t live without but in a way they complicated all our lives. As soon as we turn into a teen reality is thrust upon us , for some it’s harsh and for some of us we are let down more gently. Things aren’t sugar-coated anymore and nobody will pretend that things are all right. Our protective shields are taken away and we are left vulnerable. And here perhaps our peers help us most of all. Not our therapists or parents or siblings but our friends , for they understand what we feel and what we are going through. Sure enough over the years we change and drift apart , we might not like who they have become or what they do but there will always be that mutual understanding that they feel you. and that is all the help we really need.

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