Letter | Teen Ink


March 31, 2015
By tiyana sanders BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
tiyana sanders BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Literary Canon Board of Directors,

I am writing this letter because… I want tot give you some reasons to consider adding Maya Angelou : Still I Rise to your literary canon.

The first reason I believe (your choice) should be included in the literary canon is… she has powerful words , she speaks from experience she been through.

The second reason is.because… she has a hidden message and the poem is wise.

The final reason is.because.. it teaches confidence that you may go through stuff but you can still be at the top you can still rise.

As you can see, Maya Angelou : StillI Rise is deserving of the literary canon because… it get people a motivation to strive to do there best to be at the top.

I hope that you will consider this choice for the literary canon. Thank you very much.


Tiyana S.

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