One of Life’s More Important Questions: Are Hot Dogs Sandwiches? | Teen Ink

One of Life’s More Important Questions: Are Hot Dogs Sandwiches?

March 21, 2016
By N.Lai BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
N.Lai BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over the years, people have found revolutionary ways of preparing food. Soups, noodles, muffins, cakes, etc. One of which are hotdogs. These are an iconic food staple in many countries, but what are hotdogs? What do hotdogs classify as? When hotdogs were created no one really specified what kind of food a hotdog was. No one really thought about what hot dogs are classified as…Until now. Some believe that hotdogs are sandwhiches while others don’t. Personally I believe hotdogs are sandwiches and here's why.

To start off, we have to think about what is a sandwhich, meaning what something needs to be, in order to be considered a sandwich. What is something that all sandwiches have? All sandwiches include bread and some sort of filling inside the bread. For example, a BLT (also known as the bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich) does it contain bread? Check. Does it have a filling? Check. There you go a BLT is a sandwich. What if  I applied the same criteria on a hotdog? Does a hotdog contain bread and some sort of filling? Yes and yes. BOOM! There you have it folks, a hotdog is a sandwich. Simple as that.

Some may argue that a hotdog isn’t a sandwich because there is only one piece of bread instead of two. Although this argument is logical, it fails to acknowledge the fact that there are so many different kinds of sandwiches that have a split bun. An example of this is “Subway”. Subway is a fast food chain that sells a variety of sandwiches, most of which have a split bun.  If the sandwiches in Subway are considered sandwiches then by the same logic, a hotdog is also considered a sandwich.

In conclusion, if anyone ever asks “Are hot dogs sandwiches?” say yes. If they choose to argue… they have made a terrible mistake. Honestly though sandwiches can be almost anything. Ketchup between two slices of bread still qualifies for a sandwich. The category of sandwiches are too vague. If people want hot dogs to be categorized as something else, they should make the definition of a sandwich more clear and detailed. However, this is just my own opinion on this topic. What’s yours?

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