The Giver vs Glenpool | Teen Ink

The Giver vs Glenpool

May 19, 2016
By Starsgodim BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
Starsgodim BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered which place is better? The Giver community  or Glenpool?

Well I think that Glenpool is a better place to live than the Giver community.  My reasons why is so we can see color, hear music, and be unique.

A reason why Glenpool is better than the Giver community is that we can see colour.  The Giver said  in “The Giver” “Once back in the time of the memories things had traits called shape and size, and they still do ,but they also had a trait called colour.”

Proof that they couldn’t see colour.  Without colour it can affect the brain.  Imagine not seeing colour.
Another reason why Glenpool is a better place to live is that we can hear music.

The Giver said “ it wasn’t seeing beyond for me , it was hearing beyond.” proof of no music.

Music makes you smarter.  Imagine not hearing music.

Another reason is to be unique.  Nobody is unique in the Giver.  Being unique is very important.  Imagine if nobody was different. Opponents  may think that being unique is bad it causes bullying if they are unique. However it is really good to be unique.

I know that glenpool is better  than the Giver cause  you can see colour, hear music, and be unique


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