Conclusive | Teen Ink


April 24, 2017
By Nicole383902 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
Nicole383902 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why do we believe in things? In my opinion, a belief can just be something one agrees with. Beliefs can bring us together and they can tear us apart. Believing in something can burn down one's reputation but it can also build up a person's character. Our society today is so disparate and everyone believes in something different. I believe that having beliefs can be positive and negative.

On the positive side of things, having beliefs can bring people together. The belief of God brings people together in a church, the belief of practice makes perfect exists when a team is working hard to do well in their next game, and the belief of living life to the fullest exists every day everywhere. I experience beliefs that bring people together everyday. I am apart of a lacrosse team, and when we rejoice in practice, we all have that belief of trying harder and pushing ourselves to the breaking point.


Even though beliefs can be very good, they can also impair our well being as humans. Everyday, people are harassed for believing in a certain thing. Now a days, people are more concerned about the opinions of others than the prosperity of their self. People can get so caught up in the lives of others that they start to forget what's really occurring in their own lives. My experience isn't huge, but it still is something that takes place every day. In history class, we had started to discuss the 13 amendments, and we began to get into politics. Someone had mentioned their opinion on reproductive rights and it got worse from there. Beliefs of others seem to affect us more than what really matters, which is what we believe in.

In society today, many beliefs exist. Some bigger and more powerful than others. What I have experienced might not matter and what I believe in might never have a strong impact on an individual. A belief does not always have to be something that one agrees upon. It does not have to be something people to debate upon. A belief should be something that one truly believes in. This I believe that beliefs are underrated but also somewhat overrated. A belief does not have to leave a mark on this planet. We cannot all be perfect human beings. I can not be a perfect human being and no one really can. I believe in believing, and I believe in being impactful.

The author's comments:

In english class we were asked to write about something we believe in. I could not exactly choose one belief, so I wrote about how I felt about beliefs. I wanted to make an impact with my writing and I wanted to say how I felt about every day beliefs.

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