Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

December 6, 2017
By Anonymous

For the letter I,  my vice is being impatient. Sometimes, I can be impatient and want things and answers right away. In the time that we live in now, we can get answers instantly from the internet and other resources. It is easy to want things right away and to want something the fastest way possible. I easily lose patience with trivial things in life as well as people.  Patience is now considered a special and rare quality in people, but it is one that I strive for and try to get better at.

For my virtue, I chose being intuitive. I have a very strong gut feeling that is almost always right. I do not always need a list of facts to make up my mind and take a stance on a situation. I also feel that my intuition allows for a good judge of character and what the best way to handle something is. My intuition makes making decisions and assessing situations life may bring about much easier.

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